To read the previous part of this story, go to We are hard on mothers (and future mothers).

Pour lire la partie précédente de ce récit, consultez On est durs avec les mamans (et futures mamans).

Dear Parents,

I am past 37 weeks! I am now really looking forward to giving birth…but I feel guilty for my excitement as I know that another two weeks would be ideal.

My contractions have started up again, especially at night. I have trouble sleeping and it’s affecting me. I am more anxious. When it happens, I often see things negatively!

Bizarrely, the lack of sleep related to my first baby after their birth didn’t have the same effect. I think it’s because once the baby is there it becomes magical. We float on a cloud, and our strengths are doubled…

The midwife and doctor reassured me that you can be born now. The threat is over. And I can even use the yoga ball to soothe my pain. And my cervix is dehiscent, meaning open except at the top. I tell myself now that the pain perhaps served a purpose.

Baby, I don’t know why, but I am worried that you might be bored, perhaps because you are so big now. I feel you taking up all that space, and I figure there isn’t much left over. I started to play the ukulele for you, and read you books from time to time. And as usual, I rub you through my stomach. I am really looking forward to seeing you with my eyes…


The opinions in this article are the author’s alone.


Photo - Avatar de Charlotte, maman collaboratrice au journal d'une maman

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Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: 1 min