Category: Expert advice

Can you help me get my two-month-old baby to sleep a full night?

Can you help me get my two-month-old baby to sleep a full night?

Can you help me get my two-month-old baby to sleep a full night?
Is it better to give a young infant (under 1 year) Infants’ Tylenol or Advil?

Is it better to give a young infant (under 1 year) Infants’ Tylenol or Advil?

Cela dépend du pourquoi on veut donner ce médicament à bébé. Est-ce qu'il doit recevoir ou a reçu un vaccin? Est-ce qu'il fait de la
My baby has bowed legs and I’m worried they will stay like that

My baby has bowed legs and I’m worried they will stay like that

My baby has very bowed legs, and I’m worried they will stay like that. Can you reassure me?
Can you help with fertility?

Can you help with fertility?

I am 36 years old, and I would like to have a baby with my partner, but we have been trying for four months, even
Diet While Pregnant

Diet While Pregnant

Did you read the first part? Eating Well for a Healthy Pregnancy? A pregnant woman doesn’t have to eat for two! That’s a timeless myth.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

Did you read the section about Alcohol during Pregnancy? The Canadian Pediatric Society notes that the term Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) has been around since
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

To better understand carpal tunnel syndrome, go to the previous article Carpal Tunnel Syndrome During Pregnancy. There are many symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome:
My spouse is more aggresive than usual. Is this normal?

My spouse is more aggresive than usual. Is this normal?

Mon conjoint (ma conjointe) est plus agressif(v)e que d'habitude. Est-ce normal?
How do I introduce the bottle to my breastfed baby?

How do I introduce the bottle to my breastfed baby?

Marie, I have always breastfed my baby. He’s three months old and is categoric - he doesn’t want the bottle! We’ve tried many things, but
Nipple Pain

Nipple Pain

Nipple injuries are painful. Whether chapping or cracking, these injuries affect the nerve endings found in the skin’s epidermis.
What are breast milk banks for?

What are breast milk banks for?

Did you read the first part of this article, Donating Breast Milk and Milk Banks? Avez-vous lu la première partie de ce billet Le don
What does APGAR mean?

What does APGAR mean?

I gave birth to my baby a month ago, and I saw that my son’s APGAR was 8 and then 9. I don’t know what