Category: Delivery/life with the baby

Can water help release my baby’s tensions?

Can water help release my baby’s tensions?

Water therapy can help soothe symptoms and discomfort, both for babies and adults. This is called hydrotherapy or Thalassotherapy.
How can I maximise the nutritional value of my baby’s purées?

How can I maximise the nutritional value of my baby’s purées?

I want to make homemade purées for my baby, and I would like to know how to make them so that the nutritional value is
Can I heat bottles and meals in the microwave?

Can I heat bottles and meals in the microwave?

I reheat my seven-month-old baby’s bottle and meals in the microwave. A friend told me that I shouldn’t do this. Why? Sacha Good question, Sacha!
How to make purées?

How to make purées?

Faites cuire l’aliment à la vapeur dans une marguerite avec de l’eau. Si l’eau est déjà bouillante, vous conservez davantage les vitamines.
Deafness and Newborns

Deafness and Newborns

Le programme de dépistage de la surdité chez le nouveau-né admissible à l’assurance maladie du Québec, est en place depuis 2008.
My baby always wants to breastfeed!

My baby always wants to breastfeed!

I have been breastfeeding my baby Jérémie since he was born, and he will turn 6 weeks old tomorrow. He always wants to breastfeed from
What should I do if my baby chokes or stops breathing?

What should I do if my baby chokes or stops breathing?

I will be giving birth soon, and I am scared about returning home because I don’t know what to do if my baby chokes or
Can I ask for a hearing screening test for my baby in the maternity ward?

Can I ask for a hearing screening test for my baby in the maternity ward?

Le bébé de mon amie a fait les tests à la naissance pour valider s’il entendait bien. Est-ce que je vais pouvoir le demander à
How to Choose a Baby Carrier

How to Choose a Baby Carrier

To learn about models of baby carriers on the market, go to Babywearing Options. You need to consider many things when choosing a baby carrier.
Why are my breasts heavy and red?

Why are my breasts heavy and red?

Marie, my breasts are very heavy and red, as if I just gave birth! Why is this happening? I gave birth to my son six
How Much Solid Food Should the Baby Get?

How Much Solid Food Should the Baby Get?

How much solid food should the baby get? If you start between four and six months, start with small portions.
When to worry about your little one's language?

When to worry about your little one’s language?

When to worry about your little one's language? If you notice signs that raise questions, trust yourself as a parent.