Category: Your questions

Flu and pregnancy

Flu and pregnancy

Durant la grossesse, de grands changements sur le plan physiologique rendent la future mère plus vulnérable aux infections dont la grippe.
Which formula should I give my baby?

Which formula should I give my baby?

I have to stop breastfeeding because I am returning to work early, and I would like to know more about different kinds of formulas, and
Can a baby have night terrors?

Can a baby have night terrors?

Marie, I was wondering if my six-month-old baby can have night terrors, as they wake up frequently in an agitated state.
Can I breastfeed if I had a breast enlargement?

Can I breastfeed if I had a breast enlargement?

My name is Annie, and I have two breast implants. I had the breast enlargement 5 years ago, and now I am pregnant. Do you
Why does my baby have pimples on his face?

Why does my baby have pimples on his face?

My baby has pimples all over his face, and I don’t know what to do. It’s weird, he doesn’t have any elsewhere, and his face
What are breast milk banks for?

What are breast milk banks for?

Did you read the first part of this article, Donating Breast Milk and Milk Banks? Avez-vous lu la première partie de ce billet Le don
My baby regurgitates frequently, even after starting solid foods

My baby regurgitates frequently, even after starting solid foods

My baby will be 6 months old in a couple of days. Since birth, he regurgitates a lot. Many people have told me that this
I’m a new dad. How do I care for my baby?

I’m a new dad. How do I care for my baby?

Marie, HELP! I want to help my wife take care of my baby, but I have never bathed one, or changed a diaper. How can
Paternal Depression and Baby’s Arrival

Paternal Depression and Baby’s Arrival

Hello Parents, Fatherhood doesn’t start in the maternity ward! It starts much earlier! A man develops throughout life, and this is influenced by their education,
Can I bring my baby to a loud show?

Can I bring my baby to a loud show?

Hello Marie, I am going to an outdoor show, and since I breastfeed, I will have my two-month-old baby with me. There will be a
Vaccine Risks and Local Responses

Vaccine Risks and Local Responses

There are risks associated with local responses that occur after a vaccination, but most of the time they remain minor.
Three Main Formula Categories

Three Main Formula Categories

To read the previous part, go to Infant Formulas . Updated article : October, 2023. There are three main categories of formulas:   Cow milk