Category: Your questions

Can I make baby purées in advance?

Can I make baby purées in advance?

I’m 36 weeks pregnant, in top shape but in preventative withdrawal. I’m preparing meals for the return home after childbirth and was wondering if you
My baby has hip subluxation and the doctor talked to me about a harness...

My baby has hip subluxation and the doctor talked to me about a harness…

Marie, I am a new mother and just learned that my baby has a hip subluxation due to his breech position in my uterus. The
My baby regurgitates frequently, even after starting solid foods

My baby regurgitates frequently, even after starting solid foods

My baby will be 6 months old in a couple of days. Since birth, he regurgitates a lot. Many people have told me that this
My baby is constipated!

My baby is constipated!

Marie, my name is Rachel, and I am worried because my six-week-old baby is constipated. Most of the time he is fine, but when he
Hints to Calm a Crying Baby

Hints to Calm a Crying Baby

To read the first part, go to Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). There are many things you can do to calm a crying baby. Speak to
My two-month-old baby seems to have an earache.

My two-month-old baby seems to have an earache.

Marie, my two-month-old baby seems to have an earache. He twists and turns and complains a lot more. Is he teething? Is he just naturally
My baby has a bump on his neck!

My baby has a bump on his neck!

Marie, my 4-month-old baby has a bump on his neck. The doctor said it was a fatty mass, but I would like to get more
Can I ask for a hearing screening test for my baby in the maternity ward?

Can I ask for a hearing screening test for my baby in the maternity ward?

Le bébé de mon amie a fait les tests à la naissance pour valider s’il entendait bien. Est-ce que je vais pouvoir le demander à
How do I bathe my baby?

How do I bathe my baby?

Marie, I’m anxious, as I have never handled a newborn, and I will give birth to one soon! I know I will want to help
Can I take the pill while breastfeeding?

Can I take the pill while breastfeeding?

Marie, I gave birth three weeks ago, and I am scared of taking contraceptive pills because I worry it will harm my breastfeeding. Is there
Why induce when I already have contractions?

Why induce when I already have contractions?

My friend Melissa told me that the doctor induced her labour, but she already had contractions. I don’t understand why she was induced when she
What are Epstein Pearls?

What are Epstein Pearls?

Marie, my baby has a fungal infection, thrush in his mouth, but I only see it on his palate, accompanied by small bumps. Do I