Category: Health advice

What is my baby experiencing in my uterus?

What is my baby experiencing in my uterus?

I would love to understand what my baby is experiencing in my uterus. I have a hard time coming to grasps as it’s all very
Stretch Marks during Pregnancy

Stretch Marks during Pregnancy

Don’t forget to read Tattoos and Pregnancy. Definition and explanation why: Stretch marks, which are medically known as striae gravidarum, occur in about 63% of
What is haptonomy and the affective preparation for birth?

What is haptonomy and the affective preparation for birth?

Je te parlerai plus spécifiquement de « la préparation affective à la naissance » qui trouve son origine dans l’haptonomie.
Mourning a “Normal” Child

Mourning a “Normal” Child

Did you read the previous part, An Experience of a Lifetime? Experiencing the arrival of a baby that is different in life is facing a
The World of Prematurity

The World of Prematurity

Hello Parents, Prematurity is a vast world. As I explained in the article What is Prematurity?, there are different levels of prematurity, different experiences felt
Medications and Pregnancy

Medications and Pregnancy

Je vous propose un éventail sommaire et pratique de médicaments sans ordonnance autorisés pendant la grossesse.
Tattoos and Pregnancy

Tattoos and Pregnancy

Did you read the previous part about Pregnancy Acne and the Formation of Cysts? Definition and explanation of why: On western countries, about 10-30% of
Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Symptoms

C’est bien de comprendre ce qui nous arrive. Dans ce billet, je décrirai les changements durant la grossesse, du début à la fin.
Is an RESP a great gift idea for a baby?

Is an RESP a great gift idea for a baby?

Marie, my father wants to contribute to an educational fund as a gift to my baby. I like the idea, but my baby’s education is
Low Amniotic Fluid Volume

Low Amniotic Fluid Volume

Hello Parents, This article will talk about the amniotic fluid that surrounds your baby in the amniotic sac, sometimes called the membranes. The first question
What are the signs of listeriosis?

What are the signs of listeriosis?

Did you read the introduction, Listeria, Bacteria you Should Know! What are the signs of listeria infection? A pregnant woman can be infected by listeria
How to choose a baby carrier for babywearing?

How to choose a baby carrier for babywearing?

Marie, someone offered to buy me a stomach baby carrier as a baby shower gift. I like the idea, but she wants to know which