Category: Health advice

Pharmacological Treatments for Nipple Injuries

Pharmacological Treatments for Nipple Injuries

There are many possible pharmacological treatments which help sooth and heal nipple injuries during brestfeeding your baby.
Consuming Milk in the Form of Popsicles

Consuming Milk in the Form of Popsicles

For some people, it’s hard to get enough milk daily to reach recommended levels because they don’t like the taste or texture. During periods of
Painting During Pregnancy

Painting During Pregnancy

To read the start of the article, go to Stains, Paints and Pregnancy. Some products contain toxic ingredients that can be absorbed by the mother
Why would someone want to see an osteopath?

Why would someone want to see an osteopath?

To learn more about osteopathy, go to the next article: Osteopathy and Babies: Mother and Baby. Afin de mieux connaitre l'ostéopathie, dirigez-vous vers le billet
Skin Problems during Pregnancy

Skin Problems during Pregnancy

This article was written in collaboration with Dr. Émilie Bourgeault, a dermatologist. It will deal with different dermatological issues that women face during pregnancy and
Can you talk about RESPs for my child’s future education?

Can you talk about RESPs for my child’s future education?

Marie, I heard that we can save money a bit at a time to pay for our baby’s education. I don’t know anything about RESPs.
When pregnant do I need to wear support socks?

When pregnant do I need to wear support socks?

I am 16 weeks pregnant, and my legs are already swollen. My mother told me to wear support socks to help, but is it a
Do you need a nursing bra?

Do you need a nursing bra?

To learn more about nursing bra considerations, go to Choosing the Right Nursing Bra. Do you need a nursing bra? You don’t have to buy
The Needs of New Mothers

The Needs of New Mothers

Hello Everyone, The postnatal period is another stage in the parenthood continuum. You carry your baby, give birth to it, then you breastfeed it and
Choosing the Baby’s Bed and Mattress

Choosing the Baby’s Bed and Mattress

It’s not easy to find the perfect crib (bassinet) and mattress for your baby! Given the wide range of choices available, this is normal. I
I am pregnant and have a toothache. What should I do?

I am pregnant and have a toothache. What should I do?

Marie, I am 16 weeks pregnant and I have to get a tooth repaired. Should I wait until after childbirth? Will it harm my baby?
Factors that Can Prevent Triggering Labour

Factors that Can Prevent Triggering Labour

To read the previous part, go to Induction. Updated article : February 2023. Many factors can prevent labour from starting. In this article, I want