Category: Questions/answers

Taking Probiotics During Pregnancy

Taking Probiotics During Pregnancy

My name is Rachel, and I read your article about baby intestinal microbiota and was wondering if I could help it develop during my pregnancy
I smoked pot before I knew I was pregnant!

I smoked pot before I knew I was pregnant!

Marie, I’m worried because I just learned I’m pregnant and I remembered that I smoked two or three joints during the weeks after conception. I
Can I eat seafood while pregnant?

Can I eat seafood while pregnant?

My name is Helena, and I need reassurance. I regularly eat shrimp and other seafood in my diet for their nutrients. But now that I
What is the latency phase?

What is the latency phase?

The doctor told me that I am in the latency phase, but I don’t know what that means. I am 39 weeks pregnant with my
The World Inside

The World Inside

Everything starts in the world inside. I was only a cell, then after minutes, hours, and days, I began to develop at a phenomenal speed.
Finding a Name for Baby

Finding a Name for Baby

Hello parents! Finding a name for your future baby requires thought and discussion as a couple. You will have to repeat the name for the
The baby isn’t moving as much...

The baby isn’t moving as much…

I feel that my baby is moving less and I’m worried because I like it when they move around. How can I know if they
Can a fungal infection be transmitted to my baby during pregnancy?

Can a fungal infection be transmitted to my baby during pregnancy?

Il est très fréquent que des femmes aient des vaginites de grossesse en attendant leur bébé et sans pour autant que le bébé soit contaminé.
I have flat nipples and worried my baby won’t be able to breastfeed

I have flat nipples and worried my baby won’t be able to breastfeed

I have flat nipples, and I don’t know how my baby will be able to breastfeed when they are born in six months. Can I
I’m a person who worries more than average. How can I improve my situation

I’m a person who worries more than average. How can I improve my situation

I’m a person who worries more than average, but now I can’t sleep, rest and I even sometimes have heart palpitations.
When pregnant do I need to wear support socks?

When pregnant do I need to wear support socks?

I am 16 weeks pregnant, and my legs are already swollen. My mother told me to wear support socks to help, but is it a
Do you know about restless legs syndrome?

Do you know about restless legs syndrome?

Marie, I am 24 weeks pregnant, and why I lay down, my leg gets restless and starts moving non-stop. My cousin said it was restless