Sciatic Nerve and Pregnancy

15-16 weeks pregnant, Health advice

Marie, my sciatic nerve is very painful, from my bottom all the way down to my thigh. Some of my friends say I should see an acupuncturist, others a massage therapist or osteopath…what should I do? Can you help?

Thanks for guiding me.


Hello Noemie,

I totally understand your situation! I experienced the same thing during my first pregnancy, so I know how much it can hurt. However, I want to reassure you because yes, there are alternative health practices that can reduce the inflammation and relieve symptoms for a pregnant woman. So yes, acupuncture, osteopathy and massage therapy can help.

How do you choose? Excellent question! In fact, the best option is to consult an interdisciplinary team that works together to help your type of situation. To better understand what I mean, please read my articles A Healthy Mind and Body During Pregnancy and Acupuncture, Osteopathy, Massage Therapy and Naturopathy During Pregnancy.

Talk soon,


The Baby Expert

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