Category: Third trimester

Tick-tock…Anguish as time passes both too slowly and too quickly…

Tick-tock…Anguish as time passes both too slowly and too quickly…

To read the previous part of Chantal’s story, go to Our beautiful adventure will finally start in a few weeks. Pour lire la partie précédente
Treating Gestational Hypertension

Treating Gestational Hypertension

To learn about the signs of gestational hypertension, read the previous part: Signs and Symptoms of Gestational Hypertension during Pregnancy. Article updated on january 2021.
Warning Signs of Imminent Labour

Warning Signs of Imminent Labour

Are you getting close to your delivery date? What signs indicate that you are slowing going into labour and delivery?
Mothers and Recovery Post-Childbirth

Mothers and Recovery Post-Childbirth

Comment se passent les heures après l'accouchement? Quels sont les changements qui vont s'opérer dans votre corps?
Childbirth in a Hospital with an Epidural

Childbirth in a Hospital with an Epidural

Marie accompanies Karine and Jocelyn to the hospital for the birth of their second baby. During this birth, the doctor will induce labour. You will
How can I experience a good pregnancy and childbirth?

How can I experience a good pregnancy and childbirth?

Marie, I don’t know why, but women I know have told me their stories about childbirth, and they all seemed to have many problems. Is
How to reduce a baby's cough?

How to reduce a baby’s cough?

Question from a mother: I have a question for you! Benjamin has been sick since Friday. His nose is runny, and he coughs a lot!
The week of long hours...We don’t control baby Émile!

The week of long hours…We don’t control baby Émile!

If you would like to read the previous article, go to Epi-mom and Santa Clause. Si vous souhaitez lire le billet précédent, accédez à Épi-maman et
Mobility of Pregnant Women During Pregnancy

Mobility of Pregnant Women During Pregnancy

Make no mistake pregnant women, one day you will have difficulty bending over! This is due to your baby growing inside your warm uterus. Do
Support During Pregnancy and delivery

Support During Pregnancy and delivery

The people accompanying a woman during labour must be ready for their roles. Julie Bonapace suggests things during childbirth.
The Need for Intimacy

The Need for Intimacy

To read the previous part, go to The Need for Support. A woman in labour’s need for intimacy in a hospital context is not easy
Electric Breast Pumps

Electric Breast Pumps

If you want to increase or maintain your production and are having difficulty, or give bottles regularly, choose an electric breast pump.