I’m pregnant and have high blood pressure. Is this dangerous?

19-20 weeks pregnant, Questions/answers

I am 28 weeks pregnant, and my doctor told me I am starting to have high blood pressure, and that he would closely monitor it. He also asked me to call him back between appointments if I suddenly had a headache or a cramp in my stomach. But why? Is it dangerous if I have higher blood pressure? Thanks for your help, Lorianne.

Lorianne, it’s good that you want to understand what is happening to you and comprehend what the doctor monitoring your pregnancy told you. Arterial hypertension, which is also called high blood pressure, is a situation that can become problematic during pregnancy. If it occurs, it needs to be closely monitored to avoid complications for you or your baby. Please read my article Pregnancy and High Blood Pressure for all the details. 

Talk soon,


The Baby Expert 


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Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: 1 min