Tag: Childbirth

Evolution of Labour

Evolution of Labour

What conditions are necessary for natural childbirth? Marie talks about them in clear terms. You will then be able to understand labour as it evolves
Are there alternative ways to soothe pain during labour?

Are there alternative ways to soothe pain during labour?

Marie, I am writing to you because I would like to give birth naturally and was wondering if you know of alternative approaches so that
What are the causes of hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth?

What are the causes of hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth?

If you want to learn more about hair loss, go to Hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth. Si vous souhaitez en connaitre plus sur
Warning Signs of Imminent Labour

Warning Signs of Imminent Labour

Are you getting close to your delivery date? What signs indicate that you are slowing going into labour and delivery?
What is stripping?

What is stripping?

Marie, my doctor talked about stripping my membrane to help start my labour. Does it hurt, and does it work all the time? Membrane stripping
Mothers and Recovery Post-Childbirth

Mothers and Recovery Post-Childbirth

Comment se passent les heures après l'accouchement? Quels sont les changements qui vont s'opérer dans votre corps?
The Physiology of Pregnancy and Childbirth

The Physiology of Pregnancy and Childbirth

Hello Parents! To illustrate what Dr. de Gasquet talks about, I want to examine the importance of the pelvis and breathing for pregnant women and
I am pregnant with twins. When should I give birth?

I am pregnant with twins. When should I give birth?

Hello Marie, I am pregnant 33 weeks five days pregnant with twin girls! Yesterday I had an ultrasound, and the girls are doing great. 5lbs
Breastfeeding: Specific Situations

Breastfeeding: Specific Situations

Breastfeeding, four specific situations : nipple pain, milk production, breastfeeding a premature baby and breastfeeding twins.
Breaking Your Water

Breaking Your Water

How can you know if your water broke? What signs should you look for and what precautions should you take? Marie talks about it.
Thalasso Baby Bath ®: Help Your Baby Release Tension

Thalasso Baby Bath ®: Help Your Baby Release Tension

I want to look at using the Thalasso Baby Bath to help your baby release their tension.
Our beautiful adventure will finally start in a few weeks!

Our beautiful adventure will finally start in a few weeks!

Good evening, parents, Our beautiful adventure will start in a few weeks, at least for the next stage. The first part began 35 weeks ago,