Tag: Father and pregnancy

What is haptonomy and the affective preparation for birth?

What is haptonomy and the affective preparation for birth?

Je te parlerai plus spécifiquement de « la préparation affective à la naissance » qui trouve son origine dans l’haptonomie.
Becoming a Parent and Anxiety

Becoming a Parent and Anxiety

The perinatal period is a time in life where there are often more signs of anxiety. What are the signs and how can you recognise
Caesarians and Fathers (video in french only)

Caesarians and Fathers (video in french only)

Une césarienne est une chirurgie. Comment se déroulera l’intervention pour les papas?
Is my baby too small because I’m too anxious?

Is my baby too small because I’m too anxious?

I got my 21-week ultrasound result, and my baby is a bit smaller than they should be at this stage. My doctor told me that
Possible Effects of Anxiety Disorders

Possible Effects of Anxiety Disorders

So a father or mother may have two or three problems such as : depression and insomnia
Support During Pregnancy and delivery

Support During Pregnancy and delivery

The people accompanying a woman during labour must be ready for their roles. Julie Bonapace suggests things during childbirth.
My New Role as Father

My New Role as Father

You might be wondering if you will be able to handle your newborn, give them their bath, burp them, change their diapers. You’ve never cared
Fathers, Cannabis and Pregnancy

Fathers, Cannabis and Pregnancy

If you want to learn about the effects related to cannabis use, read the previous article — The Potential Effects of Cannabis During Pregnancy. Fathers
Perinatal Anxiety in Men and Women

Perinatal Anxiety in Men and Women

Men express their anxiety less than women, which can explain, in part, why anxiety rates are higher in women.
Labour and Delivery

Labour and Delivery

Everyone has probably already told you that a contraction during labour hurts! Well, indeed it does!
I’m a person who worries more than average. How can I improve my situation

I’m a person who worries more than average. How can I improve my situation

I’m a person who worries more than average, but now I can’t sleep, rest and I even sometimes have heart palpitations.