How can I adapt to my baby’s arrival?

30-31 weeks pregnant, Health advice, Postnatal, Your questions

Marie, I know that the arrival of a first baby will upset our daily lives as parents for a while. But my baby is three weeks old, and I still find it very difficult to manage. Do you have any suggestions to help us out? 



Sonia, it’s normal that after three weeks with your baby, you find things are still a challenge. In fact, when you become parents for the first time, you need to learn everything. Each day comes with many questions, trials, successes and failures! When you raise a child, you learn to be a parent every day of their life. Don’t expect yourself to be perfect, because no one is! For some concrete suggestions to help you adapt, please read Adapting to the Arrival of a Baby.

Talk soon,


The Baby Expert

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How can I adapt to my baby’s arrival?

Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: 1 min