Category: Delivery/life with the baby

My baby has white bumps on his nose.

My baby has white bumps on his nose.

I gave birth to my first child a month ago, and he seems to have a lot of white bumps on his nose. What can
Causes of Colic

Causes of Colic

Causes of colic can also be due to the baby’s temperament and their environment.
Placenta Rituals

Placenta Rituals

I heard that we can keep the placenta after childbirth...
Should I change breastfeeding positions during a session?

Should I change breastfeeding positions during a session?

Updated article : April 2024. I know it's good to alternate positions during breastfeeding sessions. I gave birth 10 days ago and I realize that
Hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth

Hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth

Hello Everyone, I often get questions about scalp changes and hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth. In this article: Hair loss during pregnancy and
What product should I use to clean my baby’s toys?

What product should I use to clean my baby’s toys?

Marie, my baby is three months old, and they are putting everything in their mouth! I would like to know if it's safe to wash
What are breast milk banks for?

What are breast milk banks for?

Did you read the first part of this article, Donating Breast Milk and Milk Banks? Avez-vous lu la première partie de ce billet Le don
What is the 5-10-15 method?

What is the 5-10-15 method?

Someone told me about the 5-10-15 technique, which seemed to be very helpful to help baby sleep. Can you tell me more about it?
My nipples hurt!

My nipples hurt!

My nipples hurt so much! I would like to know what the main reasons for nipple pain are for breastfeeding mothers.
Does my baby have an allergy?

Does my baby have an allergy?

My one month old baby cries every night for one hour, and I think they are allergic to the formula I give them. What else
Why does my baby breastfeed longer than my friend’s?

Why does my baby breastfeed longer than my friend’s?

My friend Élise breastfeeds her baby 5 minutes per breast, and mine spends more than 20 minutes per breast. Why is there such a difference
Fathers and Breastfeeding

Fathers and Breastfeeding

We try to promote contact, closeness, the link with your baby after their birth. Create conditions for a close relationship between you and your young