Category: Your questions

My baby wants its pacifier ten times a night. What should I do?

My baby wants its pacifier ten times a night. What should I do?

My baby has severe reflux. Once asleep, she sleeps with her pacifier. However, we can get up at ten times to give it back to
Pacifier or Thumb?

Pacifier or Thumb?

A baby can be comforted in different ways, either with a pacifier or their thumb. Which one is better?
Can you help me get my two-month-old baby to sleep a full night?

Can you help me get my two-month-old baby to sleep a full night?

Can you help me get my two-month-old baby to sleep a full night?
Caring for the Umbilical Cord

Caring for the Umbilical Cord

We had our baby 10 days ago. My husband and I are caring for our little boy, and when we have to clean his umbilical
Can I make baby purées in advance?

Can I make baby purées in advance?

I’m 36 weeks pregnant, in top shape but in preventative withdrawal. I’m preparing meals for the return home after childbirth and was wondering if you
My baby has white bumps on his nose.

My baby has white bumps on his nose.

I gave birth to my first child a month ago, and he seems to have a lot of white bumps on his nose. What can
Characteristics of Disposable Diapers and Wipes

Characteristics of Disposable Diapers and Wipes

I don’t know if you are like me, but I think that few people take the time to research disposable diapers before choosing them for
What should I do if my baby chokes or stops breathing?

What should I do if my baby chokes or stops breathing?

I will be giving birth soon, and I am scared about returning home because I don’t know what to do if my baby chokes or
Short tongue frenelum: to cut or not to cut

Short tongue frenelum: to cut or not to cut

Some newborns born with a tongue frenulum (a band of tissue just under the tongue) that is too short. They can’t stick out their tongue
Does my baby have an allergy?

Does my baby have an allergy?

My one month old baby cries every night for one hour, and I think they are allergic to the formula I give them. What else
I am terrified my baby will have a flat head!

I am terrified my baby will have a flat head!

I have a 3-week-old baby, and I am terrified he will have a flat head! At the hospital, they told me to change positions frequently,
Can I co-sleep with my eight-week-old baby?

Can I co-sleep with my eight-week-old baby?

I have an eight-week-old baby and they often sleep in my bed with me because they have stomach aches and this is the only way