Category: Expert advice

Alcohol During Pregnancy

Alcohol During Pregnancy

Did you read the first part — Alcohol during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding? We currently know that consuming alcohol during pregnancy can lead to risks of
When should I see a health professional for my baby?

When should I see a health professional for my baby?

My name is Charlotte, and I have a 4-month-old daughter and 3-year-old son. With my little Charlie, I never know if the symptoms I am
How can I protect my baby from mosquitoes and ticks?

How can I protect my baby from mosquitoes and ticks?

Marie, our daughter is already three months old and will go camping with us soon. We were wondering how we can protect our baby from
Cleaning Products During Pregnancy

Cleaning Products During Pregnancy

If you would like advice from experts, go to Advice from Paint Pros. The use of home cleaning products during pregnancy often comes with many
How do I brush my baby’s teeth?

How do I brush my baby’s teeth?

Marie, I am writing to you about my nine-month-old baby’s teeth. I don’t know if my baby can have tartar at this age, and how
Infant Formulas

Infant Formulas

Updated article : October, 2023. When preparing for childbirth, every parent has questions about the arrival of their baby, including breastfeeding and formulas. Yes, I
Possible Procedures to Cut the Tongue Frenulum

Possible Procedures to Cut the Tongue Frenulum

There are several procedures to cut the tongue frenulum. : laser surgery or surgery with scissors.
Why try a VBAC?

Why try a VBAC?

To learn more about VBACs, go to Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC). Why try a VBAC? Without a doubt, vaginal births are much less risky
Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Symptoms

C’est bien de comprendre ce qui nous arrive. Dans ce billet, je décrirai les changements durant la grossesse, du début à la fin.
Should I give my baby 2% or 3.25% milk?

Should I give my baby 2% or 3.25% milk?

Marie, my baby is almost a year old, and I would like to give him 2% milk. Why do people keep telling me that I
How many ounces of milk per container when I freeze my milk?

How many ounces of milk per container when I freeze my milk?

When I freeze my milk, how many ounces per container? Thanks, Valerie Excellent question, Valerie. But it depends on how much your baby drinks. If
Do I need a special soap to wash my baby’s clothes?

Do I need a special soap to wash my baby’s clothes?

I was wondering if I could wash my future baby’s clothing in the same wash I do for my own. Do I need special soap?