Category: Health advice

The Impacts of Having a Baby that is Different

The Impacts of Having a Baby that is Different

If you haven’t already done so, read the previous part: Mourning a “Normal” Child. The arrival of a baby that is different in the lives
Signs of Depression in Future and New Fathers

Signs of Depression in Future and New Fathers

If you would like to know how depression in fathers is defined, read What Explains Paternal Depression? Men are very different from women when it


Hello Parents, In this article, I want to try to highlight possible causes of infertility associated with men and women and talk about things you
CMV Diagnosis and Symptoms

CMV Diagnosis and Symptoms

How do you know if you’re already infected with cytomegalovirus? Unfortunately, no very precise screening tests exist.
How do I sterilise a bottle nipple?

How do I sterilise a bottle nipple?

Article updated: April 2024. The recommendations of the INESPQ 2024 recommend sterilizing all bottle items up to 4 months of age, if the baby is
I have genital herpes and don’t want to infect my baby!

I have genital herpes and don’t want to infect my baby!

I don’t know if you can help me, but I have genital herpes. I don’t currently have an outbreak, but I am pregnant and scared
Dads are precious!

Dads are precious!

Dear dads, did you know that you’re the most important person providing security, a presence and support for your partner during her pregnancy?
Can I use artificial sweeteners during pregnancy?

Can I use artificial sweeteners during pregnancy?

Marie, I have a serious sweet tooth and am 9 weeks pregnant. I am worried because I don’t want to develop pregnancy diabetes if I
Gestational Diabetes Screening Tests

Gestational Diabetes Screening Tests

To learn about diabetes characteristics, read Gestational or Pregnancy Diabetes. The screening test for gestational diabetes usually takes place between 24 and 28 weeks of
The World Inside

The World Inside

Everything starts in the world inside. I was only a cell, then after minutes, hours, and days, I began to develop at a phenomenal speed.
Newborn and infant Baths

Newborn and infant Baths

Last update: November 2020 Bathing a newborn isn’t difficult, but for first-time parents, it can be challenging. Practice makes perfect! You can’t learn it during
Can you help with fertility?

Can you help with fertility?

I am 36 years old, and I would like to have a baby with my partner, but we have been trying for four months, even