Category: Questions/answers

Finding a Name for Baby

Finding a Name for Baby

Hello parents! Finding a name for your future baby requires thought and discussion as a couple. You will have to repeat the name for the
How do I prepare my pet for the baby’s arrival?

How do I prepare my pet for the baby’s arrival?

I am 38 weeks pregnant and have had a cat at home for many years. He’s very gentle and has never hurt a child or
How to deal with the fear of childbirth?

How to deal with the fear of childbirth?

If you would like to learn about the consequences of fear of childbirth, read Tokophobia and its Possible Consequences (in french only). Before Pregnancy: When
My doctor told me I have a venous lake. Is this serious?

My doctor told me I have a venous lake. Is this serious?

Marie, during my 21-week ultrasound, my doctor told me I have a “venous lake.” He said it very quickly and didn’t really explain it, and
Is cat stool dangerous for my pregnancy?

Is cat stool dangerous for my pregnancy?

A friend told me I should wear gloves to garden in case cat stool is present. Is this true Marie? Gabrielle Your friend’s right! In
What is swelling during pregnancy?

What is swelling during pregnancy?

Swelling during pregnancy occurs in all pregnant women, but is not always visible.
I’m pregnant and really anxious!

I’m pregnant and really anxious!

I’m 15 weeks pregnant. I wanted this pregnancy, and I was happy that I became pregnant this soon, but now I am really anxious.
What do babies see at birth?

What do babies see at birth?

Marie, after childbirth, can my baby see me? He seems to recognise me. Thanks, Marilyne Marilyne, you are not the only one asking this question.
What is haptonomy and the affective preparation for birth?

What is haptonomy and the affective preparation for birth?

L’haptonomie c’est l’ensemble des règles qui régissent le domaine du toucher affectif, on parle aussi de « Science de l’affectivité ».
What is pregnancy diabetes and how do I know if I’m at risk?

What is pregnancy diabetes and how do I know if I’m at risk?

Le diagnostic de diabète de grossesse ou gestationnel fait référence à des taux trop élevés de sucre dans le sang de la femme enceinte.
I drank alcohol but didn’t know I was pregnant!

I drank alcohol but didn’t know I was pregnant!

Marie, I didn’t know I was pregnant and drank two beers and a glass of wine with friends. I found out three days later that
Who is the midwife?

Who is the midwife?

A midwife is a health professional working with future parents during a healthy pregnancy. They monitor them through childbirth and after the birth of the