Hello Mom and Dad!

I’m still really tiny, but totally alive, floating in my pool! My brain is developing, and I am starting to grow arms and legs. You can also hear my heartbeat! Yep, even at 5-6 weeks pregnant. I weigh about 1 gram, and I am about as big as an apple seed. My blood vessels, blood cells, liver, intestines, kidneys, bones and muscles are starting to form. I’m surrounded by more and more amniotic fluid, I can already swallow, and my umbilical cord lets me receive nutrients sent from you, mom. Thank you for that!

Mom, it’s normal that you are no longer menstruating because I’m in your tummy. However, you will feel relieved when you take your pregnancy test and see the + sign appear. Dad, you are going to be excited, because you have been hoping for this for months! Mom, you might have a bit of nausea and will feel really tired. Don’t forget that this is normal and temporary. You will be pregnant both in your body and mind. Your mood will change, and you will be more emotional and impatient. Don’t worry; you’ll go back to normal someday! 😊

Dad, the test is positive, and you are happy to know that your wish of becoming a father is about to happen. You are proud, and you now understand why men have so many questions when their baby arrives. Everything is new! However, pregnancy remains abstract because you really can’t control anything happening to Mom, and you feel powerless to help her with all of these symptoms occurring. Don’t worry too much; all she needs is to know that you are there to take care of her.

Here are a few things that can help you at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy:

Mom, eat smaller quantities of healthy food but eat more often. This will help diminish your nausea. Eat proteins. You can even make nutritious frozen popsicles because cold also helps reduce nausea.

Parents often have many questions and concerns during this period:

  • Taking medication at the start of pregnancy;
  • Swollen stomach
  • Painful breasts
  • Can you exercise?
  • Do you need to drink more milk?
  • Is the pregnancy test a false positive?
  • When and who do I see for my monitoring?
  • Why do I need blood tests at the start of pregnancy?
  • When do we tell everyone we’re pregnant?
  • etc.

Set an appointment with the nurse or doctor for your first pregnancy visit, ideally before the 10th week of pregnancy to plan your required ultrasounds. Above all, avoid alcohol, tobacco and drugs, as they aren’t good for you or me.

Dad, Mom needs your support, encouragement, care and help to adopt good habits. I’m counting on you!

Your Baby xxx

A useful tool to have on hand for each appointment, print a free copy of the Pregnancy Booklet.

Here are some suggestions to learn more about what’s happening to you and to prepare you for what’s coming.


Educational articles:

The Baby Expert

Come back and read my 7-8 Weeks of pregnancy to learn more.

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Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: 2 min