Category: Expert advice

Will disposable diapers irritate my baby’s skin more than reusable diapers.

Will disposable diapers irritate my baby’s skin more than reusable diapers.

I chose disposable diapers for my baby, but my friend told me that products used to make them can cause more irritation and redness than
Can you help me get my two-month-old baby to sleep a full night?

Can you help me get my two-month-old baby to sleep a full night?

Can you help me get my two-month-old baby to sleep a full night?
Vaccinating Pregnant Women and Babies

Vaccinating Pregnant Women and Babies

Vaccinations are the most effective way to prevent illnesses. They also help avoid infection between people.
Hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth

Hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth

Hello Everyone, I often get questions about scalp changes and hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth. In this article: Hair loss during pregnancy and
Why all these blood tests during pregnancy?

Why all these blood tests during pregnancy?

My name is Anna, and I am getting tired of all these blood tests. I don’t like them, and I was wondering if I have
Photo - médicaments

Prenatal Multivitamins: All the Same?

In this article, I want to talk to women who wish to become pregnant and those already expecting their baby. When a woman decides that
Short tongue frenelum: to cut or not to cut

Short tongue frenelum: to cut or not to cut

Some newborns born with a tongue frenulum (a band of tissue just under the tongue) that is too short. They can’t stick out their tongue


Updated article : September, 2023. Toxoplasmosis is an infection we want to prevent in pregnant women. The information in this article can be added to
How to Prevent Emergency Situations with a Baby

How to Prevent Emergency Situations with a Baby

I will talk about preventative steps you can take to avoid circumstances that can danger your baby’s life or newborn's life.
Pregnancy and High Blood Pressure: Hypertension in Pregnant Women

Pregnancy and High Blood Pressure: Hypertension in Pregnant Women

Article Updated June 4, 2018 Hypertension in a pregnant woman is a well-known phenomenon in the scientific community as it affects 5–10% of pregnant women.
Do I have to wash my breasts before breastfeeding?

Do I have to wash my breasts before breastfeeding?

Marie, I have a question, and the answers I have gotten are not always the same. Do I need to wash my breast with a
Pregnancy Cholestasis: Liver Disease During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Cholestasis: Liver Disease During Pregnancy

Cholestasis. What does this big word mean? Pregnancy cholestasis is not a frequent pregnancy complication. Its appearance is based on ethnicity, geographical location and even