Category: Delivery/life with the baby

Is my colostrum rich enough even though there isn’t much?

Is my colostrum rich enough even though there isn’t much?

I am a new mother, and a nurse in the maternity ward told me that the colostrum from my breasts is very rich for my
My baby cries a lot and it stresses me. I don’t know what to do!

My baby cries a lot and it stresses me. I don’t know what to do!

Marie, my baby cries for long periods during both the day and night. Most of the time, I am alone to take care of it,
I am having contractions several times a day.

I am having contractions several times a day.

Marie, I am 30 weeks pregnant and having contractions several times a day, especially when I stand up. Is this normal? Thanks for your help,
How can I get rid of my baby’s diaper rash?

How can I get rid of my baby’s diaper rash?

I have a five-week-old baby, and I can’t get rid of their diaper rash. It’s been almost two weeks. He isn’t crying a lot, but
What do babies see at birth?

What do babies see at birth?

Marie, after childbirth, can my baby see me? He seems to recognise me. Thanks, Marilyne Marilyne, you are not the only one asking this question.
How can I adapt to my baby’s arrival?

How can I adapt to my baby’s arrival?

Marie, I know that the arrival of a first baby will upset our daily lives as parents for a while. But my baby is three
Baby Wipes

Baby Wipes

To learn about the characteristics of eco-friendly disposable diapers, read Are Eco-friendly Disposable Diapers Possible? Baby wipes were developed to facilitate changing babies, but they
What are Epstein Pearls?

What are Epstein Pearls?

Marie, my baby has a fungal infection, thrush in his mouth, but I only see it on his palate, accompanied by small bumps. Do I
Dilating the foreskin

Dilating the foreskin

Marie, my little boy Edward is 2 months old, and my mother always tells me that I have to try and dilate is foreskin. I
Is it better to give a young infant (under 1 year) Infants’ Tylenol or Advil?

Is it better to give a young infant (under 1 year) Infants’ Tylenol or Advil?

Cela dépend du pourquoi on veut donner ce médicament à bébé. Est-ce qu'il doit recevoir ou a reçu un vaccin? Est-ce qu'il fait de la
What is the 5-10-15 method?

What is the 5-10-15 method?

Someone told me about the 5-10-15 technique, which seemed to be very helpful to help baby sleep. Can you tell me more about it?
What does baby-led weaning, or BLW, mean?

What does baby-led weaning, or BLW, mean?

Baby-led weaning, or BLW is a feeding method that consists of offering pieces of food to the baby early in life.