Category: Delivery/life with the baby

If I use a breast shield, at some point will I be able to remove it?

If I use a breast shield, at some point will I be able to remove it?

I would like to know if I use a nipple shield with my 2-week old baby, at some point will I be able to remove
Can my 12-month-old baby drink 2% milk?

Can my 12-month-old baby drink 2% milk?

Marie, at home we drink 2% milk, and my 12-month-old baby is eating well from all food groups. I was wondering if we can use
How can I help my partner during breastfeeding?

How can I help my partner during breastfeeding?

My partner is 34 weeks pregnant, and we want to breastfeed our baby. As a father, I want to be able to give them the
My breasts melted away after breastfeeding. Will they go back to the way they were?

My breasts melted away after breastfeeding. Will they go back to the way they were?

Hello Marie, I breastfed my baby for several months. But since I stopped breastfeeding, my breasts have melted away. I have lost a lot of
What are the signs of postpartum depression?

What are the signs of postpartum depression?

I just gave birth, and my doctor said I was starting to show signs of postpartum depression. He told me to go see a specialist;
Can I add cereal to my two-month-old baby’s bottle?

Can I add cereal to my two-month-old baby’s bottle?

Help, I’m desperate! My baby is 2.5 months old, and he always cries. My mother told me that he’s too hungry and I have to
The Art of Serving Purées

The Art of Serving Purées

L'art de servir les purées de bébé : quand servir le repas, quelle quantité de purée donner et à quelle température?
Caesarean or no?

Caesarean or no?

A caesarian is another way to bring a baby into the world, and it’s very important to talk about it when preparing for childbirth.
How many ounces of milk per container when I freeze my milk?

How many ounces of milk per container when I freeze my milk?

When I freeze my milk, how many ounces per container? Thanks, Valerie Excellent question, Valerie. But it depends on how much your baby drinks. If
Co-sleeping or Shared Sleeping

Co-sleeping or Shared Sleeping

Co-sleeping comes with risks. Rules have been provided so that shared-sleeping with your baby can take place safely.
Guide to Introducing Solids to Infants

Guide to Introducing Solids to Infants

You can print the PDF Food Introduction Table (in french only*) and place it on your fridge. Check off each food after you introduce it.
What can I do about my difficult baby?

What can I do about my difficult baby?

Marie, my daughter is four months old, and I don’t understand her. I feel bad saying this, but she makes me crazy. She never goes