Category: Expert advice

How to choose the baby’s bed and mattress?

How to choose the baby’s bed and mattress?

Marie, je suis bien embêtée face à toutes ces couchettes et matelas que l’on retrouve en vente sur le marché : comment savoir ce qui convient
Genetic abnormalities visible during prenatal ultrasound scans

Genetic abnormalities visible during prenatal ultrasound scans

Prenatal ultrasounds are often a moment eagerly awaited by parents-to-be who discover the first images of their baby. Even though most pregnancies result in the
Why all these blood tests during pregnancy?

Why all these blood tests during pregnancy?

My name is Anna, and I am getting tired of all these blood tests. I don’t like them, and I was wondering if I have
If I use a breast shield, at some point will I be able to remove it?

If I use a breast shield, at some point will I be able to remove it?

I would like to know if I use a nipple shield with my 2-week old baby, at some point will I be able to remove
How can I deal with my smoking addiction?

How can I deal with my smoking addiction?

Did you read the section about tobacco and breastfeeding? The pregnancy period for women is a time in life where they’re open to and made
I have little bumps on my areola!

I have little bumps on my areola!

I just noticed that I have little bumps on both my areola and I was wondering why. I never saw that before my pregnancy. Can
What does baby-led weaning, or BLW, mean?

What does baby-led weaning, or BLW, mean?

Baby-led weaning, or BLW is a feeding method that consists of offering pieces of food to the baby early in life.
Filiation...or how do I prove I am the father or mother of my child?

Filiation…or how do I prove I am the father or mother of my child?

To learn more about parental authority, go to Parental authority…or what are my rights and obligations towards my child? Filiation is the legal link between
How much coffee during pregnancy?

How much coffee during pregnancy?

Are you one of those people who need your cup of coffee in the morning, and dread having to give it up now that you're
How do I keep my baby hydrated during heat waves?

How do I keep my baby hydrated during heat waves?

Marie, can you tell me how to keep my one-month-old baby hydrated when it’s sweltering out? I can’t even seem to! Thanks, Rosemary Summer is
The Differences Between Term and Premature Childbirth

The Differences Between Term and Premature Childbirth

To read the previous part of the article, go to The Main Causes of Premature Childbirth. You need to consider the differences between giving birth
Can I eat deli meats when pregnant?

Can I eat deli meats when pregnant?

Hello Marie, I am pregnant and would like to know if I can eat small amounts of deli meats, for example, hot dogs. Can I,