Category: Expert advice

My baby regurgitates frequently, even after starting solid foods

My baby regurgitates frequently, even after starting solid foods

My baby will be 6 months old in a couple of days. Since birth, he regurgitates a lot. Many people have told me that this
My baby is five months old and still not sleeping a full night!

My baby is five months old and still not sleeping a full night!

Why is my five-month-old still waking up every two or three hours at night? How can I change the situation?
The Transmission of the Zika Virus

The Transmission of the Zika Virus

The transmission of the Zika virus is generally via two species of infected mosquitos found in warm tropical climates.
29-30 Weeks Pregnant

29-30 Weeks Pregnant

I’m back parents! I am doing well and growing fast, weigh 1.3 kg and measure 34 cm. You know Mom because your uterus is pressing
Medications and Pregnancy

Medications and Pregnancy

Je vous propose un éventail sommaire et pratique de médicaments sans ordonnance autorisés pendant la grossesse.
The annoucnement that changed everything - two babies

The annoucnement that changed everything – two babies

"Do you want to see your baby?" I wasn't expecting that. I was at the end of my first monitoring appointment with my spouse. I
7-8 Weeks Pregnant

7-8 Weeks Pregnant

Hello! My name is Amelie, and I am 7-8 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I already feel that my body is not really my
These first two weeks with you have been enchanting!

These first two weeks with you have been enchanting!

Make sure you read the first part of this story, It’s done! The baby’s born! Assurez-vous d'avoir lu la partie précédente de ce récit, Ça
Can you help me get my two-month-old baby to sleep a full night?

Can you help me get my two-month-old baby to sleep a full night?

Can you help me get my two-month-old baby to sleep a full night?
How can I treat my baby’s eczema?

How can I treat my baby’s eczema?

My baby is three and a half months old and always has eczema patches in his folds of skin. I don’t know what to do.
Cannabis Use by a Pregnant Woman

Cannabis Use by a Pregnant Woman

To learn more about cannabis, read the previous article Cannabis and Pregnancy. Pregnant women use cannabis more than we think. Even if we have a
Things to Help Baby Reflux

Things to Help Baby Reflux

Updated article : October, 2023. A few things you can do to soothe baby reflux: Feed more frequently but less each time; Inclined positioning during