Category: Questions/answers

Can I use cannabis when breastfeeding?

Can I use cannabis when breastfeeding?

I am breastfeeding my one-month-old baby, and yesterday I smoked pot with my partner. I was wondering what kind of impact this can have, as
Forceps or Cesarean?

Forceps or Cesarean?

Forceps are a metal instrument that looks like two opposing spoons.
I am at 41 weeks and still nothing!

I am at 41 weeks and still nothing!

Read the previous part of this story, I am at 40 weeks tomorrow. Dear Parents, I am at 41 weeks and still nothing. Yesterday we
What is pregnancy diabetes and how do I know if I’m at risk?

What is pregnancy diabetes and how do I know if I’m at risk?

Le diagnostic de diabète de grossesse ou gestationnel fait référence à des taux trop élevés de sucre dans le sang de la femme enceinte.
How much coffee during pregnancy?

How much coffee during pregnancy?

Are you one of those people who need your cup of coffee in the morning, and dread having to give it up now that you're
I’m pregnant and have high blood pressure. Is this dangerous?

I’m pregnant and have high blood pressure. Is this dangerous?

I am 28 weeks pregnant, and my doctor told me I am starting to have high blood pressure, and that he would closely monitor it.
I smoked pot before I knew I was pregnant!

I smoked pot before I knew I was pregnant!

Marie, I’m worried because I just learned I’m pregnant and I remembered that I smoked two or three joints during the weeks after conception. I
I am scared of having my perineum cut during childbirth!

I am scared of having my perineum cut during childbirth!

I am 30 weeks pregnant and expecting my first baby. I am really scared that the doctor will cut my perineum during childbirth. Does this
What is haptonomy and the affective preparation for birth?

What is haptonomy and the affective preparation for birth?

Je te parlerai plus spécifiquement de « la préparation affective à la naissance » qui trouve son origine dans l’haptonomie.
I have inverted nipples. Can I breastfeed?

I have inverted nipples. Can I breastfeed?

I am pregnant and want to breastfeed my baby. However, I have inverted nipples, and I am scared that my baby won’t be able to
I am pregnant and liquid is leaking from my breasts. Should I pump it?

I am pregnant and liquid is leaking from my breasts. Should I pump it?

I am 29 weeks pregnant, and a yellowish liquid is leaking from my breasts. Should I pump it, or do nothing? I have no idea…
I’m pregnant and have acne!

I’m pregnant and have acne!

Marie, I’m 18 weeks pregnant and am really worried as I have acne all over my face and upper body. I have never had acne