Category: First trimester

5-6 Weeks Pregnant

5-6 Weeks Pregnant

Hello Mom and Dad! I’m still really tiny, but totally alive, floating in my pool! My brain is developing, and I am starting to grow
Can I eat washed-rind cheeses like camembert?

Can I eat washed-rind cheeses like camembert?

Hello Marie, I am pregnant and am all confused by what I can and can’t eat. Can I eat washed-rind cheese like camembert and brie
Adapting to a new baby in the family (live video) FR only

Adapting to a new baby in the family (live video) FR only

Date : 27 novembre 2017 Theme: Adapting to a new baby in the family Having a baby is a significant event in a couple’s life. You
Why do some pregnant women have nausea and not others?

Why do some pregnant women have nausea and not others?

Les symptômes de grossesse peuvent varier grandement d'une femme à l’autre. Les nausées touchent plus de 50% des futures mamans.
Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Do you know which medications are allowed during pregnancy? What can you take for nausea or headaches? What about a cold? If congested, can I
Reproductive options available in case of genetic risk

Reproductive options available in case of genetic risk

Contrary to what one might think, the presence of a genetic risk for one’s child is not always inevitable and reproductive planning options are offered
Official Recommendations for the Zika Virus

Official Recommendations for the Zika Virus

To avoid Zika, travellers to tropical or subtropical regions should protect themselves against mosquito bites.
Pregnancy Cholestasis: Liver Disease During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Cholestasis: Liver Disease During Pregnancy

Cholestasis. What does this big word mean? Pregnancy cholestasis is not a frequent pregnancy complication. Its appearance is based on ethnicity, geographical location and even
What to do if nothing works?

What to do if nothing works?

To read the previous part, go to How can you increase your likelihood of conceiving? Pour lire la partie qui précède, consultez Quoi faire pour vous
Can I take a flight during my pregnancy?

Can I take a flight during my pregnancy?

I am 16 weeks pregnant and I have the chance to go south with my partner for 10 days. I am worried about the recommendations
Length of pregnancies

Length of pregnancies

In this video I will explain how we calculate your pregnancy age and your likely delivery date.
My first weeks of pregnancy

My first weeks of pregnancy

At 39 and after nine months of trying, we got the great news that we have been hoping for! I’m pregnant! What a relief for