Category: Postnatal

10 Things About Parenthood You Should Know

10 Things About Parenthood You Should Know

Hello Parents, Are you a new or future parent? Congratulations! Here is a list of 10 things associated with the arrival of your baby. I
How do I prepare my pet for the baby’s arrival?

How do I prepare my pet for the baby’s arrival?

I am 38 weeks pregnant and have had a cat at home for many years. He’s very gentle and has never hurt a child or
Ultrasounds and Breastfeeding

Ultrasounds and Breastfeeding

Les ultrasons provoquent des micromassages dégageant de la chaleur qui aident à détendre les canaux lactifères dans les seins.
Medications and Breastfeeding

Medications and Breastfeeding

Article updated on April 2024. In a previous article, we talked about over the counter medications permitted during pregnancy. Many readers liked the content and
Can a three-month-old baby eat cereal?

Can a three-month-old baby eat cereal?

My baby will be four months old soon! I would like to know what kind of cereal I should start with and if any have
Teething is not always easy!

Teething is not always easy!

Hello Parents! Are you having trouble sleeping? Has your baby been grumpy for the past couple of days as they are teething? In this article,
Are Eco-Friendly Disposable Diapers Possible?

Are Eco-Friendly Disposable Diapers Possible?

To read the previous part, go to How are Disposable Diapers Made?. As you might already know, to reduce garbage that is bad for the
What does APGAR mean?

What does APGAR mean?

I gave birth to my baby a month ago, and I saw that my son’s APGAR was 8 and then 9. I don’t know what
Caring for the Umbilical Cord

Caring for the Umbilical Cord

We had our baby 10 days ago. My husband and I are caring for our little boy, and when we have to clean his umbilical
Growing Pains

Growing Pains

Marie, can my nine-month-old baby have growing pains in their legs? Thanks, Pascale Pascale, I don’t know what your baby is doing to make you
Everything about purées!

Everything about purées!

A baby’s diet often starts with smooth purées to transition from milk.
Conjugal Violence During the Perinatal Period

Conjugal Violence During the Perinatal Period

Even if conjugal violence can occur at any time, the perinatal period is a vulnerable period for couples.