Category: Third trimester

Manual or electric breast pump? Which one is the best?

Manual or electric breast pump? Which one is the best?

You can choose from so many types and models of manual or electric breast pump on the market that finding the most suitable one isn’t
The Fear of Blood and Childbirth

The Fear of Blood and Childbirth

Are you generally scared of blood, either your own or that of others? Are you scared of blood splattering during childbirth? Let’s talk about it.
The baby isn’t moving as much...

The baby isn’t moving as much…

I feel that my baby is moving less and I’m worried because I like it when they move around. How can I know if they
Caesarian deliveries

Caesarian deliveries

Some pregnancies end with a caesarean section. To prepare for this option, Marie meets with Dr. Guy Waddell.
Who is Bernadette de Gasquet?

Who is Bernadette de Gasquet?

Bernadette de Gasquet is a French doctor and professor emeritus of yoga specialising in abdominal exercises and perineal rehabilitation. She has been working for years
Baby Congestion

Baby Congestion

Does your baby have difficulty breathing and breastfeeding at the same time because their nose is stuffed? You don’t know what to do to clear
How to reduce a baby's cough?

How to reduce a baby’s cough?

Question from a mother: I have a question for you! Benjamin has been sick since Friday. His nose is runny, and he coughs a lot!
What is a dehiscent cervix?

What is a dehiscent cervix?

Marie, my doctor said I have cervical dehiscence. What does that mean? I didn’t dare ask. Thanks in advance, Adeline. Adeline, it’s a great question
Adapting to a new baby in the family (live video) FR only

Adapting to a new baby in the family (live video) FR only

Date : 27 novembre 2017 Theme: Adapting to a new baby in the family Having a baby is a significant event in a couple’s life. You
Umbilical Cord Prolapse

Umbilical Cord Prolapse

Marie, my friend Manon told me that when she broke her water with her first baby, she saw a portion of her baby's umbilical cord
The 3rd Trimester - Last Sprint!

The 3rd Trimester – Last Sprint!

To read Melissa’s previous article, go to The 2nd Trimester – Let’s Go! Pour lire le billet précédent de Mélissa, rendez‑vous à Le 2e trimestre
Who should I invite to my delivery?

Who should I invite to my delivery?

My name is Claire, and I was wondering who will be with my partner and me during labour and childbirth. I don’t know if I