Category: Videos for members only

Breaking Your Water

Breaking Your Water

How can you know if your water broke? What signs should you look for and what precautions should you take? Marie talks about it.
Dad and Pregnancy

Dad and Pregnancy

Dad’s place during pregnancy and childbirth is important. Each father experiences the adventure differently.
Baby Ailments

Baby Ailments

Date : 16 octobre 2016 Theme: Baby Ailments Marie answers many questions about a range of topics live on Facebook. In this week’s video, she
Bleeding at the start of pregnancy

Bleeding at the start of pregnancy

I know many pregnant women are scared when they have bleeding during pregnancy, but it is not always negative. In this short video I talk
Breastfeeding : Engaging with my baby

Breastfeeding : Engaging with my baby

What happens during the first moments with your baby? How does the body prepare for breastfeeding?
Perinatal Depression (live video in French)

Perinatal Depression (live video in French)

Date : 23 avril 2017 Theme: Perinatal depression with Nathalie Parent, Psychologist (video available in French only) Facebook Live video with Nathalie Parent, a psychologist and
Baby Wearing with Émilie Tanné, Babywearing Monitor

Baby Wearing with Émilie Tanné, Babywearing Monitor

Date: November 27, 2016 Theme: Babywearing with Émilie Tanné, Babywearing Monitor Facebook Live video with Émilie Tanné, a babywearing monitor. In this video, Marie and
I don’t want to be induced. Are there natural things I can do to speed up my labour?

I don’t want to be induced. Are there natural things I can do to speed up my labour?

I have an appointment to be induced at 41 weeks, which I would like to avoid. Are there things I can do to speed up
The Midwife Profession

The Midwife Profession

A midwife talks about her profession. What’s her role during pregnancy, childbirth and after the birth of the baby?
Pharmacology and Maternity

Pharmacology and Maternity

Date : 10 décembre 2017 Theme: Pharmacology and Maternity Pregnancy is a time in life where it’s essential to take medications and products that are adapted
Domestic Animals and Pregnancy

Domestic Animals and Pregnancy

A veterinarian explains how to prepare your cat and dog for the arrival of your baby. You can do many things from the start of
The leopard position

The leopard position

How can you soothe a baby with a lot of gas? How can you hold them to help release it? In this short video, I