Category: Expert advice

5-6 Weeks Pregnant

5-6 Weeks Pregnant

Hello Mom and Dad! I’m still really tiny, but totally alive, floating in my pool! My brain is developing, and I am starting to grow
How can I get rid of my baby’s diaper rash?

How can I get rid of my baby’s diaper rash?

I have a five-week-old baby, and I can’t get rid of their diaper rash. It’s been almost two weeks. He isn’t crying a lot, but
Should I visit the place I will give birth?

Should I visit the place I will give birth?

Is it necessary to visit the place I will give birth? And if my spouse doesn’t want to come, is that ok? It stresses me!
What is prematurity?

What is prematurity?

Hello Parents, I have been planning on writing about prematurity for several weeks now. This theme is very important when planning and preparing for the
10 Things About Parenthood You Should Know

10 Things About Parenthood You Should Know

Hello Parents, Are you a new or future parent? Congratulations! Here is a list of 10 things associated with the arrival of your baby. I
Stretch Marks during Pregnancy

Stretch Marks during Pregnancy

Don’t forget to read Tattoos and Pregnancy. Definition and explanation why: Stretch marks, which are medically known as striae gravidarum, occur in about 63% of
The baby isn’t moving as much...

The baby isn’t moving as much…

I feel that my baby is moving less and I’m worried because I like it when they move around. How can I know if they
What should I do for calf cramps?

What should I do for calf cramps?

Did you know that around 1 in 2 pregnant women will experience calf cramps during the night? They usually appear during the 2nd trimester, around
Should I prepare my breasts for breastfeeding during my pregnancy?

Should I prepare my breasts for breastfeeding during my pregnancy?

Marie, I was wondering if I have to prepare my breasts for breastfeeding during my pregnancy. I am 24 weeks pregnant, and I don’t know
I am scared of having my perineum cut during childbirth!

I am scared of having my perineum cut during childbirth!

I am 30 weeks pregnant and expecting my first baby. I am really scared that the doctor will cut my perineum during childbirth. Does this
Sunscreen or no?

Sunscreen or no?

For the general population, repeated exposure to ultraviolet UVA and UVB rays from the sun without protection can lead to skin cancer. Statistics are continually
Dog, Cat and Pregnancy

Dog, Cat and Pregnancy

Do you have a cat, dog or both at home? Are you expecting your first baby and have questions about preparing your animals who have,