Category: Delivery/life with the baby

Flu and pregnancy

Flu and pregnancy

Durant la grossesse, de grands changements sur le plan physiologique rendent la future mère plus vulnérable aux infections dont la grippe.
I am worried my baby isn’t getting enough iron!

I am worried my baby isn’t getting enough iron!

After 6 months, a baby’s iron needs increase due to their fast growth during this period of life.
What’s the difference between baby blues and postpartum depression?

What’s the difference between baby blues and postpartum depression?

Le baby blues suit de près l’accouchement. Quand on parle d’une dépression postnatale, on verra alors les symptômes de déprime s’accentuer.
How can I pump my milk if my baby feeds every three hours?

How can I pump my milk if my baby feeds every three hours?

My 3-week-old baby feeds well every three hours, and I would like to store my milk so that my partner can give a bottle from
What should I expect if my baby is sent to neonatology?

What should I expect if my baby is sent to neonatology?

To read the previous part, go to The Differences Between Term and Premature Childbirth. Pour lire la partie précédente, consultez le billet Les différences entre un
Hints to Calm a Crying Baby

Hints to Calm a Crying Baby

To read the first part, go to Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). There are many things you can do to calm a crying baby. Speak to
My two-month-old daughter only sleeps on us!

My two-month-old daughter only sleeps on us!

Once we place her in her cradle, she either wakes up immediately. What can we do to get her to sleep in her bed?
My baby has started sucking their thumb. Should I give them a pacifier?

My baby has started sucking their thumb. Should I give them a pacifier?

My baby started sucking his thumb. Should I give a pacifier? I was told that thumb sucking can create a dependency and cause dental problems.
Do I need a special soap to wash my baby’s clothes?

Do I need a special soap to wash my baby’s clothes?

I was wondering if I could wash my future baby’s clothing in the same wash I do for my own. Do I need special soap?
My baby is constipated!

My baby is constipated!

Marie, my name is Rachel, and I am worried because my six-week-old baby is constipated. Most of the time he is fine, but when he
Why would someone want to see an osteopath?

Why would someone want to see an osteopath?

To learn more about osteopathy, go to the next article: Osteopathy and Babies: Mother and Baby. Afin de mieux connaitre l'ostéopathie, dirigez-vous vers le billet
Labial Fusion or Labial Adhesion

Labial Fusion or Labial Adhesion

Some young girls’ vulva labia minora will appear to be completely closed. This is called fused labia or labial adhesion. This causes stress for parents