Category: Delivery/life with the baby

Is there a dance to calm crying babies?

Is there a dance to calm crying babies?

The baby cries a lot at night, and I don’t know what to do! Someone talked to me about a type of dance, but I
How can I maximise the nutritional value of my baby’s purées?

How can I maximise the nutritional value of my baby’s purées?

I want to make homemade purées for my baby, and I would like to know how to make them so that the nutritional value is
My baby has a bump on his neck!

My baby has a bump on his neck!

Marie, my 4-month-old baby has a bump on his neck. The doctor said it was a fatty mass, but I would like to get more
Can I give goat milk to my baby?

Can I give goat milk to my baby?

I would like to give goat milk to my 9-month-old baby, but my mother said I can’t and that I have to use cow milk.
How can I avoid back pain with a baby?

How can I avoid back pain with a baby?

Marie, my baby is almost 4 months old, and I have a lot of back pain. I was wondering if you can suggest practical things
What does APGAR mean?

What does APGAR mean?

I gave birth to my baby a month ago, and I saw that my son’s APGAR was 8 and then 9. I don’t know what
How to Establish a Sleep Routine?

How to Establish a Sleep Routine?

How can you establish a sleep routine? Finishing with the bath and massage can relax and lead to sleep.
Why induce when I already have contractions?

Why induce when I already have contractions?

My friend Melissa told me that the doctor induced her labour, but she already had contractions. I don’t understand why she was induced when she
Can I make baby purées in advance?

Can I make baby purées in advance?

I’m 36 weeks pregnant, in top shape but in preventative withdrawal. I’m preparing meals for the return home after childbirth and was wondering if you
Osteopathy and New Mothers

Osteopathy and New Mothers

To read the previous part, go to Why would someone want to see an osteopath? Pour lire la partie précédente, voir Qu’est-ce qui pourrait m’amener à
Choroid Plexus Cysts

Choroid Plexus Cysts

Marie, I have been worried for three days, as during my 21-week ultrasound, the technician told me he saw two cysts in my baby’s brain.
Is an RESP a great gift idea for a baby?

Is an RESP a great gift idea for a baby?

Marie, my father wants to contribute to an educational fund as a gift to my baby. I like the idea, but my baby’s education is