Category: Your questions

My baby has a flat head. What should I do?

My baby has a flat head. What should I do?

Marie, I was wondering what to do for my two-month-old baby whose head is flatter on one side. I try to take precautions to improve
My baby hasn’t regained their birth weight. Should I be worried?

My baby hasn’t regained their birth weight. Should I be worried?

My baby is one week old and has not regained its birth weight. The nurses seem to be really worried. I don’t feel secure.
My baby has hip subluxation and the doctor talked to me about a harness...

My baby has hip subluxation and the doctor talked to me about a harness…

Marie, I am a new mother and just learned that my baby has a hip subluxation due to his breech position in my uterus. The
Why skin-to-skin at birth?

Why skin-to-skin at birth?

Marie, my friend told me that after giving birth to her child, the staff placed the baby directly on her, skin-to-skin. Why? Placing the baby
Do you have any recipes for virgin drinks?

Do you have any recipes for virgin drinks?

Marie, the Holidays are approaching, and I know I can’t drink alcohol during my pregnancy. Can you suggest some interesting mixes I can drink during
How can I protect my baby from mosquitoes and ticks?

How can I protect my baby from mosquitoes and ticks?

Marie, our daughter is already three months old and will go camping with us soon. We were wondering how we can protect our baby from
Can I give my baby soy drinks?

Can I give my baby soy drinks?

Hello Marie, I have a question for you. I am breastfeeding my 9-month-old baby, and I want to wean him soon for when I go
My baby was born ahead of time!

My baby was born ahead of time!

I became a mother three weeks ago, and my baby was born ahead of time, at 31 weeks. Her name is Mélina. The doctors told
If I use a breast shield, at some point will I be able to remove it?

If I use a breast shield, at some point will I be able to remove it?

I would like to know if I use a nipple shield with my 2-week old baby, at some point will I be able to remove
Can I eat everything when I breastfeed?

Can I eat everything when I breastfeed?

My name is Justine, and I was wondering if there are foods I shouldn’t eat when I breastfeed my baby. Thanks for all your information,
Allergens and Possible Reactions

Allergens and Possible Reactions

Les allergènes et les réactions possibles sont à prendre en compte. Plusieurs parents hésitent à donner certains aliments à leur bébé.
My baby is constipated!

My baby is constipated!

Marie, my name is Rachel, and I am worried because my six-week-old baby is constipated. Most of the time he is fine, but when he