Category: Expert advice

My baby has a bump on its head!

My baby has a bump on its head!

Marie, my baby was born 5 days ago, and yesterday a bump appeared on the side. When I called the clinic, a nurse told me
Can I eat tuna while pregnant?

Can I eat tuna while pregnant?

Marie, I am 12 weeks pregnant, and my friend told me I need to stop adding tuna to my salad. I really love it, but
What is a dehiscent cervix?

What is a dehiscent cervix?

Marie, my doctor said I have cervical dehiscence. What does that mean? I didn’t dare ask. Thanks in advance, Adeline. Adeline, it’s a great question
Many Factors can Influence Fertility

Many Factors can Influence Fertility

Please read the previous part about infertility. Lire la partie précédente sur l'infertilité. There are different elements that a doctor must consider when evaluating why
Allergens and Possible Reactions

Allergens and Possible Reactions

Les allergènes et les réactions possibles sont à prendre en compte. Plusieurs parents hésitent à donner certains aliments à leur bébé.
Hair Tourniquets

Hair Tourniquets

Mon bébé aurait pu subir une amputation de son orteil à cause du syndrome du tourniquet. Qu'est-ce que le syndrome du tourniquet?
Why do I need to take iron during my pregnancy?

Why do I need to take iron during my pregnancy?

Iron is an essential element to optimise the baby’s development and growth during pregnancy, and they get it from their mother.
The Main Causes of Premature Childbirth

The Main Causes of Premature Childbirth

To learn more about prematurity, go to What is Prematurity? In this article, I want to talk about the leading causes of premature childbirth. You
My baby reacted strongly to its four month vaccinations

My baby reacted strongly to its four month vaccinations

My four-month-old baby had his vaccinations yesterday and is horrible! He complains all the time, I have to carry them. And last night? TERRIBLE! I
The Use of Tobacco During Pregnancy in Numbers

The Use of Tobacco During Pregnancy in Numbers

Did you read the first part about Pregnancy and Tobacco? Did you know that one in ten women has stated that she smoked during her
I’m pregnant and have acne!

I’m pregnant and have acne!

Marie, I’m 18 weeks pregnant and am really worried as I have acne all over my face and upper body. I have never had acne
Good vs. Not-so-Good Bacteria

Good vs. Not-so-Good Bacteria

It’s all about balancing good vs. not-so-good bacteria. Balance is difficult to maintain and is influenced by different factors.