Category: Pregnancy

Umbilical Cord Prolapse

Umbilical Cord Prolapse

Marie, my friend Manon told me that when she broke her water with her first baby, she saw a portion of her baby's umbilical cord
Multiple Pregnancy

Multiple Pregnancy

I loved being pregnant, but don’t think I had the perfect pregnancy!  I wasn’t able to eat breakfast during the first trimester. I would get


You don’t know what to buy for your baby? Over the years, I have tested many! I have listed everything in my Amazon Store. Each
How to choose the baby’s bed and mattress?

How to choose the baby’s bed and mattress?

Marie, je suis bien embêtée face à toutes ces couchettes et matelas que l’on retrouve en vente sur le marché : comment savoir ce qui convient
Vaccine Risks and Local Responses

Vaccine Risks and Local Responses

There are risks associated with local responses that occur after a vaccination, but most of the time they remain minor.
Factors that Can Prevent Triggering Labour

Factors that Can Prevent Triggering Labour

To read the previous part, go to Induction. Updated article : February 2023. Many factors can prevent labour from starting. In this article, I want
What is pregnancy diabetes and how do I know if I’m at risk?

What is pregnancy diabetes and how do I know if I’m at risk?

Le diagnostic de diabète de grossesse ou gestationnel fait référence à des taux trop élevés de sucre dans le sang de la femme enceinte.
Transporting Breast Milk

Transporting Breast Milk

Did you read the previous part, How to Donate Breast Milk? Avez-vous lu la partie précédente sur Comment faire un don de lait maternel? There
31-32 Weeks Pregnant

31-32 Weeks Pregnant

My body has become used to your presence, and I love feeling you move around changing the shape of my stomach. My belly button has
Why do I have hemorrhoids while pregnant?

Why do I have hemorrhoids while pregnant?

My name is Melinda, and I am discouraged. I’m 26 weeks pregnant and already have 2 painful hemorrhoids. Why is this happening to me? I
What is BMI?

What is BMI?

Avec mon IMC, mon médecin m’a dit que je prenais trop de poids lors de ma dernière visite de suivi de grossesse. Qu'est-ce que l'IMC?
I am scared of having my perineum cut during childbirth!

I am scared of having my perineum cut during childbirth!

I am 30 weeks pregnant and expecting my first baby. I am really scared that the doctor will cut my perineum during childbirth. Does this