Category: Pregnancy

How can I relieve the baby’s pressure in my pelvis?

How can I relieve the baby’s pressure in my pelvis?

Marie, I have a baby in my pelvis that places a lot of weight on my pubic symphysis. I feel like the baby will pop
What do babies see at birth?

What do babies see at birth?

Marie, after childbirth, can my baby see me? He seems to recognise me. Thanks, Marilyne Marilyne, you are not the only one asking this question.
The week of long hours...We don’t control baby Émile!

The week of long hours…We don’t control baby Émile!

If you would like to read the previous article, go to Epi-mom and Santa Clause. Si vous souhaitez lire le billet précédent, accédez à Épi-maman et
The baby isn’t moving as much...

The baby isn’t moving as much…

I feel that my baby is moving less and I’m worried because I like it when they move around. How can I know if they
Choosing the Baby’s Bed and Mattress

Choosing the Baby’s Bed and Mattress

It’s not easy to find the perfect crib (bassinet) and mattress for your baby! Given the wide range of choices available, this is normal. I
Pregnancy Tests

Pregnancy Tests

Les facteurs qui influencent la fertilité (only in French) How can you increase your likelihood of conceiving? What is BMI? Can I ask for an
The Impacts of Having a Baby that is Different

The Impacts of Having a Baby that is Different

If you haven’t already done so, read the previous part: Mourning a “Normal” Child. The arrival of a baby that is different in the lives
I am pregnant and have urinary incontinence. What should I do?

I am pregnant and have urinary incontinence. What should I do?

Marie, over the past 2-3 weeks, I have been terrified of leaking urine. It has happened to me a couple of times when I would
I’m pregnant and have acne!

I’m pregnant and have acne!

Marie, I’m 18 weeks pregnant and am really worried as I have acne all over my face and upper body. I have never had acne
I feel nauseous and am very tired! How long will I have these pregnancy symptoms for?

I feel nauseous and am very tired! How long will I have these pregnancy symptoms for?

I am seven weeks pregnant with my first baby. I am already fed up! Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and long will these symptoms
The Zika Virus Infection

The Zika Virus Infection

The Zika virus infection can be serious during pregnancy. While 80% of the population infected will never have specific symptoms.
Nipple Pain

Nipple Pain

Nipple injuries are painful. Whether chapping or cracking, these injuries affect the nerve endings found in the skin’s epidermis.