Category: Health advice

How can I relieve my back pain during pregnancy?

How can I relieve my back pain during pregnancy?

I have severe back pain and it’s really bothering me. I don’t know what to do. I know I can’t take anti-inflammatories...I am 26 weeks
Can I eat seafood while pregnant?

Can I eat seafood while pregnant?

My name is Helena, and I need reassurance. I regularly eat shrimp and other seafood in my diet for their nutrients. But now that I
TENS and Pregnant Women

TENS and Pregnant Women

TENS provide safe, natural relief with no side effects.This type of method is offered during pregnancy and the different stages of labour to reduce the
23-24 Weeks Pregnant

23-24 Weeks Pregnant

Good Morning Mom and Dad! I woke up a couple of minutes ago and am having fun in my pool. I sometimes try to take
Why do some pregnant women have nausea and not others?

Why do some pregnant women have nausea and not others?

Les symptômes de grossesse peuvent varier grandement d'une femme à l’autre. Les nausées touchent plus de 50% des futures mamans.
Pregnancy and Travel

Pregnancy and Travel

Are you pregnant and want to go on a trip? Airline travel usually is safe for the mother and baby during pregnancy. However, travel during
Vaccine Risks and Local Responses

Vaccine Risks and Local Responses

There are risks associated with local responses that occur after a vaccination, but most of the time they remain minor.
I am pregnant and have some bleeding. I am very tense, how can I relax?

I am pregnant and have some bleeding. I am very tense, how can I relax?

I am expecting my second baby and am 14 weeks pregnant. I had a bit of bleeding a couple of times, and I am so
The Needs of New Mothers

The Needs of New Mothers

Hello Everyone, The postnatal period is another stage in the parenthood continuum. You carry your baby, give birth to it, then you breastfeed it and
How to choose the baby’s bed and mattress?

How to choose the baby’s bed and mattress?

Marie, je suis bien embêtée face à toutes ces couchettes et matelas que l’on retrouve en vente sur le marché : comment savoir ce qui convient
Do you need a nursing bra?

Do you need a nursing bra?

To learn more about nursing bra considerations, go to Choosing the Right Nursing Bra. Do you need a nursing bra? You don’t have to buy
Photo - Femme enceinte qui boit de la tisane aux feuilles de framboisier - tisane de framboisier pour les femmes enceintes et l'allaitement

Raspberry Herbal Tea and Pregnancy

To learn more about the characteristics of raspberry herbal tea, please see The Mysteries of Raspberry Herbal Tea. The use of raspberry herbal tea during