Category: First trimester

I’m pregnant and tired. Can I drink natural energy drinks?

I’m pregnant and tired. Can I drink natural energy drinks?

Can I drink natural energy drinks? Is it risky for me or for the baby? I am hesitant now that I’m pregnant.
Can I use artificial sweeteners during pregnancy?

Can I use artificial sweeteners during pregnancy?

Marie, I have a serious sweet tooth and am 9 weeks pregnant. I am worried because I don’t want to develop pregnancy diabetes if I
Applying the Filiation Concept to Assisted Procreation

Applying the Filiation Concept to Assisted Procreation

To read the previous part of this article, go to Filiation…or, how can I prove I am the father or mother of my child? The
Why take prenatal classes?

Why take prenatal classes?

Thanks to prenatal classes, parents feel more confident, as they’re dealing with fewer unknowns, are less scared.
Do you have suggestions on how I can increase my milk consumption while pregnant?

Do you have suggestions on how I can increase my milk consumption while pregnant?

Marie, my name is Charlotte, and I don’t know what to do because I don’t like drinking milk. Because I am pregnant, I try to
Can I eat thyme or rosemary while pregnant?

Can I eat thyme or rosemary while pregnant?

My name is Maxime, and I love thyme and rosemary. On some websites, I read that these herbs can be neurotoxic. Is this true? I
Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga

Doing yoga during pregnancy is both possible and a great idea. Yoga can help reduce the intensity of pain during labour and delivery.
Sources of Folic Acid (Folates)

Sources of Folic Acid (Folates)

To read the first part of this article, go to Vitamins and Folic Acid. Pour lire la première partie de ce billet, accédez au billet Vitamines
Cleaning Products During Pregnancy

Cleaning Products During Pregnancy

If you would like advice from experts, go to Advice from Paint Pros. The use of home cleaning products during pregnancy often comes with many
What is a midwife’s role?

What is a midwife’s role?

Marie, I was wondering if it’s safe to be monitored by a midwife for my second baby. Is monitoring the same as with a doctor?
Can I eat wild game during pregnancy?

Can I eat wild game during pregnancy?

I am two months pregnant and just learned that I ate wild game. My husband is a hunter, and we are always eating deer or
Protection Measures for Insect Bites

Protection Measures for Insect Bites

There are many ways to protect yourself from insect bites. Here are suggestions from the Government of Canada