Category: Postnatal

The Differences Between Homemade and Store-Bought Purées

The Differences Between Homemade and Store-Bought Purées

Il y a des différences entre les purées maison et commerciales. Les purées maison vous permettent de varier vos textures et de suivre les besoins
Paternal Depression and Baby’s Arrival

Paternal Depression and Baby’s Arrival

Hello Parents, Fatherhood doesn’t start in the maternity ward! It starts much earlier! A man develops throughout life, and this is influenced by their education,
My baby has a flat head. What should I do?

My baby has a flat head. What should I do?

Marie, I was wondering what to do for my two-month-old baby whose head is flatter on one side. I try to take precautions to improve
Nipple pain

Nipple pain

When we talk about nipple pain, you will find out that nipple injuries are painful. Whether chapping or cracking, these injuries affect the nerve endings
Should I continue breastfeeding?

Should I continue breastfeeding?

Marie, I gave birth to my little boy at 35 weeks pregnant four days ago. Everything is going well, but my baby is really tired
How many ounces of milk per container when I freeze my milk?

How many ounces of milk per container when I freeze my milk?

When I freeze my milk, how many ounces per container? Thanks, Valerie Excellent question, Valerie. But it depends on how much your baby drinks. If
When does my baby’s eye colour become final?

When does my baby’s eye colour become final?

My four-month-old baby has beautiful blue eyes! I have brown eyes, but my mother’s eyes were blue, like my partner’s. I was wondering how long
Products to Avoid During Teething

Products to Avoid During Teething

Did you read the previous part, How to Soothe a Teething Baby? Article updated in January 2023. Products to avoid during teething: Very important: it
My baby has bowed legs and I’m worried they will stay like that

My baby has bowed legs and I’m worried they will stay like that

My baby has very bowed legs, and I’m worried they will stay like that. Can you reassure me?
Deafness and Newborns

Deafness and Newborns

Le programme de dépistage de la surdité chez le nouveau-né admissible à l’assurance maladie du Québec, est en place depuis 2008.
Practical Tips to Help with Nipple Injuries and Pain

Practical Tips to Help with Nipple Injuries and Pain

Here are the practical tips to help with nipple injuries and nipple pain.
You are succeeding at so many new things!

You are succeeding at so many new things!

Make sure you read Charlotte's previous article, Weeks 7 and 8 Were Full of Amazing Discoveries. Assurez-vous d'avoir lu la partie précédente du récit de