Category: Postnatal

My one-week-old daughter has traces of blood in her diaper

My one-week-old daughter has traces of blood in her diaper

I had my daughter a week ago, and I found traces of blood in her diaper. I can’t figure out why. Marie, have you ever
Changes in Stool as Your Baby Develops

Changes in Stool as Your Baby Develops

To read the previous section of this entry, please read Constipation in Babies. Changes in stool as your baby develops depends on their age. A
Can I start meats before 6 months?

Can I start meats before 6 months?

I hadn’t heard that you shouldn’t start meat before 6 months of age, but I did! What are the consequences? I feel bad for not
What should I expect if my baby is sent to neonatology?

What should I expect if my baby is sent to neonatology?

To read the previous part, go to The Differences Between Term and Premature Childbirth. Pour lire la partie précédente, consultez le billet Les différences entre un
Important Information about Breast Milk

Important Information about Breast Milk

Read the previous part of this article, Transporting Breast Milk. Lisez la partie précédente de ce billet : Transport du lait maternel Here is some
What explains paternal depression?

What explains paternal depression?

To learn more about paternal depression, go to Paternal Depression and Baby’s Arrival. Dads are also scared! They also have many questions, and worry about
How can I avoid heat pimples on my baby’s face?

How can I avoid heat pimples on my baby’s face?

I know I shouldn’t worry, but my baby has a lot of heat pimples on his face when I breastfeed. Are there things I can
Do I need a special soap to wash my baby’s clothes?

Do I need a special soap to wash my baby’s clothes?

I was wondering if I could wash my future baby’s clothing in the same wash I do for my own. Do I need special soap?
How can I protect my baby from mosquitoes and ticks?

How can I protect my baby from mosquitoes and ticks?

Marie, our daughter is already three months old and will go camping with us soon. We were wondering how we can protect our baby from
What to do after an allergic reaction?

What to do after an allergic reaction?

What should you do when dealing with an allergic reaction? The use of probiotics is being studied to help babies calm their crying.
How can I pump my milk if my baby feeds every three hours?

How can I pump my milk if my baby feeds every three hours?

My 3-week-old baby feeds well every three hours, and I would like to store my milk so that my partner can give a bottle from
Natural Contraception Methods

Natural Contraception Methods

Intimacy is an integral part of a couple’s life. It allows them to be close, vulnerable with each other and share precious moments. Pregnancy changes