Category: Third trimester
29-30 Weeks Pregnant
I’m back parents! I am doing well and growing fast, weigh 1.3 kg and measure 34 cm. You know Mom because your uterus is pressing
I don’t feel my baby move in my stomach. Is this normal?
Even if the baby moves, often the mother will think that what she’s feeling is bloating or gas rather than the baby.
The Hospital Bag
With childbirth just around the corner, are you packing for your hospital stay? Simplify your life and make sure you don't forget anything with our
Caesarians and Fathers (video in french only)
Une césarienne est une chirurgie. Comment se déroulera l’intervention pour les papas?
Should I prepare my breasts for breastfeeding during my pregnancy?
Marie, I was wondering if I have to prepare my breasts for breastfeeding during my pregnancy. I am 24 weeks pregnant, and I don’t know
How to properly swathe a baby
In this video capsule, I show you a technique to swaddle a baby. For more information, please watch these videos: Baby Massages How to Measure
Birthing room
Delivery rooms in hospitals have changed the way we experience the arrival of a baby. Take a guided tour...
Choosing the Baby’s Bed and Mattress
It’s not easy to find the perfect crib (bassinet) and mattress for your baby! Given the wide range of choices available, this is normal. I
Breaking Your Water
How can you know if your water broke? What signs should you look for and what precautions should you take? Marie talks about it.
The Physiology of Pregnancy and Childbirth
Hello Parents! To illustrate what Dr. de Gasquet talks about, I want to examine the importance of the pelvis and breathing for pregnant women and
Natural Childbirth in a Hospital
Come will Marie and see the birth of Chantal and Joel’s second child, Léa. The couple chose to give birth naturally in a hospital delivery
How can we save money for our baby’s arrival?
Marie, I have been told that I need to save a lot of money for our children’s future studies. But we sometimes have a tight