Category: 33-34 weeks pregnant

Breaking Your Water

Breaking Your Water

How can you know if your water broke? What signs should you look for and what precautions should you take? Marie talks about it.
33-34 Weeks Pregnant

33-34 Weeks Pregnant

The weeks pass, and I will get to know you soon. Already at 33 weeks! Wow! Since the 20-week ultrasound, time is flying. Your room
Baby Ailments

Baby Ailments

Date : 16 octobre 2016 Theme: Baby Ailments Marie answers many questions about a range of topics live on Facebook. In this week’s video, she
Analgesics and Anesthetics

Analgesics and Anesthetics

During a hospital delivery, you will have the choice to relieve the pain of contractions with analgesics or anesthetics
The Physiology of Pregnancy and Childbirth

The Physiology of Pregnancy and Childbirth

Hello Parents! To illustrate what Dr. de Gasquet talks about, I want to examine the importance of the pelvis and breathing for pregnant women and
Do you know about restless legs syndrome?

Do you know about restless legs syndrome?

Marie, I am 24 weeks pregnant, and why I lay down, my leg gets restless and starts moving non-stop. My cousin said it was restless
Milk Intolerance and Allergies

Milk Intolerance and Allergies

Marie answers your questions about milk intolerances and allergies. How can you recognise an intolerance, and what should you do?
What is a dehiscent cervix?

What is a dehiscent cervix?

Marie, my doctor said I have cervical dehiscence. What does that mean? I didn’t dare ask. Thanks in advance, Adeline. Adeline, it’s a great question
I’m 34 weeks pregnant!

I’m 34 weeks pregnant!

Dear Mothers, This week I 34 weeks pregnant (Saturday)! I am so relieved, though I’m scared of giving birth if it happens tomorrow…I have been
Why try a VBAC?

Why try a VBAC?

To learn more about VBACs, go to Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC). Why try a VBAC? Without a doubt, vaginal births are much less risky
Almost 36 weeks pregnant!

Almost 36 weeks pregnant!

Make sure you read the previous part of the story – I am slowly getting back to normal at my own pace. Assurez-vous de lire
Should I prepare my breasts for breastfeeding during my pregnancy?

Should I prepare my breasts for breastfeeding during my pregnancy?

Marie, I was wondering if I have to prepare my breasts for breastfeeding during my pregnancy. I am 24 weeks pregnant, and I don’t know