Category: Health advice

Pregnancy Acne and the Formation of Cysts

Pregnancy Acne and the Formation of Cysts

Did you read the previous part about skin colour changes during pregnancy? It’s funny, but many pregnant women say that their skin has never been
Signs of Depression in Future and New Fathers

Signs of Depression in Future and New Fathers

If you would like to know how depression in fathers is defined, read What Explains Paternal Depression? Men are very different from women when it
Cleaning Products During Pregnancy

Cleaning Products During Pregnancy

If you would like advice from experts, go to Advice from Paint Pros. The use of home cleaning products during pregnancy often comes with many
I am having contractions several times a day.

I am having contractions several times a day.

Marie, I am 30 weeks pregnant and having contractions several times a day, especially when I stand up. Is this normal? Thanks for your help,
What should you consider when buying a nursing bra?

What should you consider when buying a nursing bra?

To learn about the ideal time to buy a nursing bra, go to When should I buy a nursing bra? What should you consider when
How is a Vaccine Manufactured?

How is a Vaccine Manufactured?

Most vaccines are made up of the microbe strain it wants to protect against.
Photo - Catherine Germain, kinésiologue et fondatrice Bouger pour ma santé

Active While Pregnant

Article updated on Novembre 2020 This article was written in collaboration with Catherine Germain from Bouger Pour Ma Santé. Many active mothers can find pregnancy
I am not yet living with my spouse. Am I considered my baby’s official father?

I am not yet living with my spouse. Am I considered my baby’s official father?

I was wondering if I am considered my baby’s legal father, even if I don’t live with my spouse. Can you tell me? Thanks, Steve
Personal Wellbeing

Personal Wellbeing

To promote your wellbeing during pregnancy, read A Healthy Mind and Body During Pregnancy. Pour favoriser votre bien-être durant la grossesse, lisez le billet, Bien
Is cat stool dangerous for my pregnancy?

Is cat stool dangerous for my pregnancy?

A friend told me I should wear gloves to garden in case cat stool is present. Is this true Marie? Gabrielle Your friend’s right! In
25-26 Weeks Pregnant

25-26 Weeks Pregnant

Time is moving fast my little one. Since the 20-week ultrasound, everything is moving forward like a steamroller. I’m not complaining, on the contrary. I
35-36 Weeks Pregnant

35-36 Weeks Pregnant

Hello, baby reporting! Listen, parents, I am in a tight spot here in Mom’s tummy, and I am really looking forward to getting out and