Category: First trimester
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Pregnancy
Cytomegalovirus infection is the most frequent congenital infection during pregnancy. It’s also misunderstood.
Why all these blood tests during pregnancy?
My name is Anna, and I am getting tired of all these blood tests. I don’t like them, and I was wondering if I have
Indicators of Perinatal Anxiety: GAD, Panic Attacks, OCD
I want to present the different anxiety disorders with their best-known characteristics.
How do I prepare my older child for the arrival of our new baby?
I am expecting my second baby and was wondering how I can prepare my eighteen-month-old son for the arrival of his brother or sister… When
Couple problems since I became pregnant
I was wondering if it’s normal that my spouse and I are having couple problems since I became pregnant. I feel like he has a
Applying the Filiation Concept to Assisted Procreation
To read the previous part of this article, go to Filiation…or, how can I prove I am the father or mother of my child? The
Good Lifestyle Habits and Pregnancy
Here are the most recent recommendations about diets, vitamin supplements and good lifestyle habits during pregnancy.
How can I relieve my back pain during pregnancy?
I have severe back pain and it’s really bothering me. I don’t know what to do. I know I can’t take anti-inflammatories...I am 26 weeks
Can a fungal infection be transmitted to my baby during pregnancy?
Il est très fréquent que des femmes aient des vaginites de grossesse en attendant leur bébé et sans pour autant que le bébé soit contaminé.
Naturopathy, Pregnancy and the Baby
Pregnant or breastfeeding women can care for certain physical and emotional issues with approved natural or homeopathic products.
Anxiety During the Perinatal Period
It’s normal to experience anxiety in the period surrounding the arrival of a baby, in the face of this great unknown.
Do you have any recipes for virgin drinks?
Marie, the Holidays are approaching, and I know I can’t drink alcohol during my pregnancy. Can you suggest some interesting mixes I can drink during