Tag: Returning home

Helping Depressed Women

Helping Depressed Women

To read the previous part, go to Defining Postpartum Depression. It’s not easy to help depressed women. Many mothers will gradually find their balance over
Do I need to boil bottled water?

Do I need to boil bottled water?

If I use bottled water to dilute my 2-month-old baby’s milk, is this water ready to use for the mix, or should I boil it
The Mysteries of Raspberry Herbal Tea

The Mysteries of Raspberry Herbal Tea

Hello Parents! At different times, new mothers have asked me how to use raspberry herbal to increase their postnatal lactation. I said to myself that
Is there a dance to calm crying babies?

Is there a dance to calm crying babies?

The baby cries a lot at night, and I don’t know what to do! Someone talked to me about a type of dance, but I
Weeks 3 and 4 were full of wonderful discoveries!

Weeks 3 and 4 were full of wonderful discoveries!

Read the first part of Charlotte’s story, These first two weeks with you were enchanting! Lisez la partie précédente du récit de Charlotte, Ces deux
How do I prepare my pet for the baby’s arrival?

How do I prepare my pet for the baby’s arrival?

I am 38 weeks pregnant and have had a cat at home for many years. He’s very gentle and has never hurt a child or
Stomach Massages for Babies

Stomach Massages for Babies

A proper massage of a baby’s stomach can help release their gases and soothe them at the same time. Do you know how to do
Photo - Femme enceinte qui boit de la tisane aux feuilles de framboisier - tisane de framboisier pour les femmes enceintes et l'allaitement

Raspberry Herbal Tea and Pregnancy

To learn more about the characteristics of raspberry herbal tea, please see The Mysteries of Raspberry Herbal Tea. The use of raspberry herbal tea during
Osteopathy and baby

Osteopathy and baby

Osteopathy can help babies release tensions and strains after childbirth. Did you know you can do this in the water?
Contraceptives and Breastfeeding

Contraceptives and Breastfeeding

Preparing for childbirth is one thing, but experiencing the post-partum period is quite another, and it comes with a whole range of new questions every
My baby has difficulty sleeping because of reflux. What should I do?

My baby has difficulty sleeping because of reflux. What should I do?

Question from a mother: My baby has severe reflux. The only way to get them to sleep is to rock them because the movement prevents
The leopard position

The leopard position

How can you soothe a baby with a lot of gas? How can you hold them to help release it? In this short video, I