Category: Expert advice

What is stripping?

What is stripping?

Marie, my doctor talked about stripping my membrane to help start my labour. Does it hurt, and does it work all the time? Membrane stripping
Expert Advice About Fertility for Men and Women

Expert Advice About Fertility for Men and Women

Did you read the previous part, Factors that can influence infertility? Avez-vous lu la partie précédente : Plusieurs facteurs qui peuvent influencer l'infertilité? Advice to help
Do I need to get rid of my animals before my baby arrives?

Do I need to get rid of my animals before my baby arrives?

I’m anxious because I have a dog and cat at home. Everyone is telling me that I need to get rid of them before the
My New Role as Father

My New Role as Father

You might be wondering if you will be able to handle your newborn, give them their bath, burp them, change their diapers. You’ve never cared
Choroid Plexus Cysts

Choroid Plexus Cysts

Marie, I have been worried for three days, as during my 21-week ultrasound, the technician told me he saw two cysts in my baby’s brain.
How can you increase your likelihood of conceiving?

How can you increase your likelihood of conceiving?

If you would like to learn about the causes of infertility, go to What are the Causes of Infertility?Si vous souhaitez connaître les causes de
New Pregnancy Symptoms

New Pregnancy Symptoms

My name is Joelle, and I am worried because I have new pregnancy symptoms and I don’t know if they are normal or not. Are
How can I prepare for breastfeeding?

How can I prepare for breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding can be learned and developed over time. Here is some advice to make sure you have the best chances for success.
33-34 Weeks Pregnant

33-34 Weeks Pregnant

The weeks pass, and I will get to know you soon. Already at 33 weeks! Wow! Since the 20-week ultrasound, time is flying. Your room
Growing Pains

Growing Pains

Marie, can my nine-month-old baby have growing pains in their legs? Thanks, Pascale Pascale, I don’t know what your baby is doing to make you
Photo - Bas support aux genoux enceinte

Support Socks During Pregnancy – Yes or No?

Hello Everyone, I have received many questions about support socks or stockings during pregnancy and even after childbirth. I did some research and found the
Can my 12-month-old baby drink 2% milk?

Can my 12-month-old baby drink 2% milk?

Marie, at home we drink 2% milk, and my 12-month-old baby is eating well from all food groups. I was wondering if we can use