Category: Expert advice

10 Things About Parenthood You Should Know

10 Things About Parenthood You Should Know

Hello Parents, Are you a new or future parent? Congratulations! Here is a list of 10 things associated with the arrival of your baby. I
Description of natural products for mother and baby.

Description of natural products for mother and baby.

Here are some natural products suggested for a mother who needs energy, for babies with digestive problems.
Dilating the foreskin

Dilating the foreskin

Marie, my little boy Edward is 2 months old, and my mother always tells me that I have to try and dilate is foreskin. I
What should I do for calf cramps?

What should I do for calf cramps?

Did you know that around 1 in 2 pregnant women will experience calf cramps during the night? They usually appear during the 2nd trimester, around
My baby has a flat head. What should I do?

My baby has a flat head. What should I do?

Marie, I was wondering what to do for my two-month-old baby whose head is flatter on one side. I try to take precautions to improve
How can I maximise the nutritional value of my baby’s purées?

How can I maximise the nutritional value of my baby’s purées?

I want to make homemade purées for my baby, and I would like to know how to make them so that the nutritional value is
Adapting to the Baby’s Arrival

Adapting to the Baby’s Arrival

Parents, it is clear that the birth of a child changes your life and requires you adapt to a complex process that is influenced by
Lump of skin in the bottom of the belly button

Lump of skin in the bottom of the belly button

Marie, my baby lost their dried umbilical cord but there is a lump of skin in the bottom of their belly button. What do I
I want to always remember the softness of your feet.

I want to always remember the softness of your feet.

To read the previous part of Charlotte’s story, go to Weeks 3 and 4 were filled with wonderful discoveries. Pour lire la partie précédente du
It’s done. The baby’s born!

It’s done. The baby’s born!

To read Charlotte's previous article, go to, I am at 41 weeks and still nothing! Pour lire le récit précédent de Charlotte, consultez Je suis
Is there a dance to calm crying babies?

Is there a dance to calm crying babies?

The baby cries a lot at night, and I don’t know what to do! Someone talked to me about a type of dance, but I
My baby is eight months old and always wants stand. Is this too early?

My baby is eight months old and always wants stand. Is this too early?

My name is Jacinthe and Charlie, my eight-month-old baby always wants to stand with us. Do you think this is too early?