Tag: Care for the baby

10 Things About Parenthood You Should Know

10 Things About Parenthood You Should Know

Hello Parents, Are you a new or future parent? Congratulations! Here is a list of 10 things associated with the arrival of your baby. I
Does my baby have an allergy?

Does my baby have an allergy?

My one month old baby cries every night for one hour, and I think they are allergic to the formula I give them. What else
Newborn discomforts

Newborn discomforts

Newborn conjunctivitis, bloating, regurgitation, vomiting, reflux and colic. Marie frequently saw these newborn ailments.
Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)

Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)

Hello Parents, In this article about shaken babies, I want to provide you with more information to tell you about certain emergencies and to break


Did you read Genevieve’s previous article about Multiple Pregnancy? I gave birth at 34 weeks, six days. When people hear that, most say “That’s not
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Causes

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Causes

To learn about the specifics of SIDS, read the start of the article, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Afin de connaître les particularités du syndrome
Bathing with a baby: lakes, public and private pools.

Bathing with a baby: lakes, public and private pools.

Can I swim with my three-month-old baby in a lake? Our parents live on the shore of the lake, and I would like to go
Can I give my 2-month-old baby water?

Can I give my 2-month-old baby water?

Can I give my two-month-old baby water? It’s sweltering out, and he’s always thirsty. Thanks for your help, Anouk Anouk, your baby is still too
Baby Development from 0-3 Months

Baby Development from 0-3 Months

De 0 à 3 mois, le sens du toucher est essentiel : tout va à la bouche. Le bébé aura de plus en plus d’intérêt pour
What should I expect if my baby is sent to neonatology?

What should I expect if my baby is sent to neonatology?

To read the previous part, go to The Differences Between Term and Premature Childbirth. Pour lire la partie précédente, consultez le billet Les différences entre un
How do I know when the baby is ready to breastfeed after birth?

How do I know when the baby is ready to breastfeed after birth?

Marie, I have a silly question, but here it goes. How do I know if the baby is ready to breastfeed after birth? This will
Newborn and infant Baths

Newborn and infant Baths

Last update: November 2020 Bathing a newborn isn’t difficult, but for first-time parents, it can be challenging. Practice makes perfect! You can’t learn it during