Tag: Feeding your baby

Storing Baby Purées

Storing Baby Purées

La conservation des purées de bébé comporte plusieurs contraintes. Voici les indications à suivre afin de vous assurer de bien la réussir.
Daily Food Schedule

Daily Food Schedule

Un horaire d'une journée en alimentation peut grandement vous aider afin de planifier les repas et collations de bébé.
Can I start meats before 6 months?

Can I start meats before 6 months?

I hadn’t heard that you shouldn’t start meat before 6 months of age, but I did! What are the consequences? I feel bad for not
How to Donate Breast Milk

How to Donate Breast Milk

Make sure you read the first part, What are the Criteria for Becoming a Breast Milk Donor? Assurez-vous de lire la partie précédente de ce
How to make purées?

How to make purées?

Faites cuire l’aliment à la vapeur dans une marguerite avec de l’eau. Si l’eau est déjà bouillante, vous conservez davantage les vitamines.
Practical Tips to Help with Nipple Injuries and Pain

Practical Tips to Help with Nipple Injuries and Pain

Here are the practical tips to help with nipple injuries and nipple pain.
If I use a breast shield, at some point will I be able to remove it?

If I use a breast shield, at some point will I be able to remove it?

I would like to know if I use a nipple shield with my 2-week old baby, at some point will I be able to remove
What kind of container should I use to store breast milk?

What kind of container should I use to store breast milk?

I would like to store my breast milk and I don’t know what kind of container to use to protect it at the same time.
Can an overly strong ejection reflex lead to colic?

Can an overly strong ejection reflex lead to colic?

My baby is 13 days old and already has colic after breastfeeding. My milk flow is pretty strong, a powerful ejection reflex.
Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Date : 6 novembre 2016 Thème : Live Facebook video with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant Marie and Line answer questions about breastfeeding from internet users. The
Everything about purées!

Everything about purées!

A baby’s diet often starts with smooth purées to transition from milk.
How to recognize mastitis?

How to recognize mastitis?

Marie, how will I know if I have mastitis? I have no idea what I should see. I want to prevent this from happening. I